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It had been a while since Innu was able to catch a break. Lately, he felt like he was always so busy. His new school was a little further away than his old one, so it was quite a walk to get to the place he was heading to at the moment. Holding two heavy carrier bags in his hands that were filled to the top certainly wasn't helping either.

'Hahaha, all those suckers will love these.' Innu smiled to himself. 'It's been a while since I visited them. Before joining the Howlers, I was always busy trying to make money, but it seems like things are looking up these days.'

Before leaving today, Innu had asked Kai for a favour. He had asked if he could get an advanced payment. Usually in a gang, such a request would be put to the leader. Still, their gang wasn't your typical gang.

Right now, Kai was looking after all the money that they had gotten from the Grey Elephants raid.

This was because Kai didn't know how much the repairs for the place were going to cost, and after the spend, whatever was left, he wanted to go down other investment avenues with the money. At least that's what he said.

The group had learnt to have some trust in Kai, they had all seen his special and whimsical ways, and none of them thought they could do better with the cash anyway.

Everyone still had received a cut from that day and some even more behind the scenes. The total amount was really only known to Kai. Before leaving school today, Innu had asked Kai for a favour himself, asking to borrow some of the money. In the end, he had no choice to explain why exactly he needed the money.

'It seemed Kai was quite happy to give the money. He's a scary guy to talk to but nice at the same time.

Standing outside, Innu was at the door. It was a wide single floor building on private grounds with a playground in front. Even before entering, he could hear noise through the door.

Screams, and cries and loud noises from outside.

"Ben, will you stop picking on Steward? You know he doesn't;t like that." A female voice said.

It was Inuu's cue to step in as he pushed the door open with his arm, holding carefully onto the bags.

"Surprise!" He yelled with both of the bags held up in his hand.

"Huh, is that..big brother Innu!" A high pitched voice said.

Walking forward, Innu turned around the corner, entering into a large room. There were countless kids of all ages inside. Ages from as young as three, going all the way up to thirteen, were in the room.

"It is big brother Innu!" A cute girl with pigtails and a pink dress said as she ran up to Innu and gave a big hug around his legs. It was so tight he thought he was going to fall over.

"What's in the bags? What did you get us! Is it food?" Another round cheek kid said who had red sauce all over his face.

"Ah, maybe you would have preferred food, but no, I got you presents," Innu said as he put the bags down and started to empty them. They were all sorts of different things he had bought toys, books, pencils. Most of the items were either toys or something they needed for school.

"Wow, Big Brother Innu is the best!" They cheered.

Looking at their smiling faces was making his heart melt, but he couldn't help but look around and notice the condition of the room.

'This place…it hasn't changed since I was here, not one single bit.' Innu thought, which in reality meant it had gotten worse.

Part of the wooden flooring was lifted, and panels were missing. Chairs were broken, with pillows and toys with their stuffing falling out. While the older kids were left without much to do but just stare out of the window.

They didn't seem as surprised to see Innu as the others had done, but there was one person, a single adult who had large round glasses who had approached him.

"Innu, you didn't have to spend so much money…I mean, how did you even afford all this stuff?" Suzan asked, but she couldn't help but smile as she saw the kids excited. Seeing this, Innu thought it was the smile of an angel.

He remembered many times while staying here how many times that smile had warmed his heart because it was the closest thing he had to a real mother when growing up.

This was the Black rock orphanage.

The place where Innu had grown up before he himself had been adopted only a short while ago, but even then, his current parents weren't exactly the best. For one, this was a tier-three town. Which meant there weren't many that could truly afford to adopt, but the government did try to support those that would adopt and once in a while, you would get a certain pair of people come by with different interests in mind.

These were Innu's adoptive parents. They didn't care about him, but just the support money adopting him would give them. Truthfully he would have tried to leave his adoptive parents and come back here, the place he called home…but he knew it put a strain on their already struggling finances.

New kids were being placed into adoption all the time, and there wasn't enough coming out. The orphanages didn't receive enough funding to look after them at all. Each year, it seemed like the amount of money Slough was willing to spend on them would lessen, and all of that burden fell on Suzan.

Being a bit older, Innu knew this. He knew how hard it was for Suzan. Still, instead of leaving them all, she had decided to stay and support the place. She ran it and put her own money into place because she was once an orphan.

"The money she would get for working here would often go back on the kids as if they were her own."

'I don't want to ever see that smile go away.' Innu thought.


Top 10 in golden tickets = 5 chapter mass release

Instagram: jksmanga

Support my editor: ko-fi/devilsadvocate

MWS 167

Innu wanted to do whatever he could to help Suzan, and he had a plan. Once he got enough money, he would change this place and hire someone to help her. Right now, he would help them out now and again.

"You know you didn't have to do this," Suzan said, smiling at him. "Your visit is honestly enough for the kids, and they love just seeing you."

"No, I like presents more!" One of the kids shouted, who had red rosy cheeks. "Every time Innu comes, he should bring a present; otherwise, he's not allowed to come."

The small girl with the pink dress who had hugged Innu hit the boy on top of the head.

"Don't say mean things to our big brother."

The group couldn't help but laugh at the cute scene.

After coming back, Innu helped where he could. He tried repairing certain things, but he didn't have the most delicate hands, and he knew this well, so he avoided doing harder tasks. Still, he could clean up and do the dishes.

When doing this, Innu looked around to see if Suzan was there, but she was too busy putting some of the kids to sleep. He then started to unwrap the white wraps around his hands, placing them on the side and rolling up his sleeves.

"They look pretty banged up." A voice said.

Turning around, Innu could see a young teenage boy with wild red spiked hair. He looked to be around thirteen years old. This was Kevin. Someone who Innu was close with when being at the orphanage and knew about a lot of what he did.

"Are you still fighting? The bandages are covered in blood and your hands." Kevin pointed to them.

Innu immediately dipped them in the water so the other couldn't see clearly, and started to wash up as fast as he could. Worried Suzan could come back at any moment.

Kevin gave out a big sigh.

"You know, if Suzan knows, she would never accept any of the money you give her. She would think she was to blame and tell you to stop."

"And that's why you will keep quiet about it. Besides, I don't fight as much as I did." Innu replied.

Kevin couldn't help but laugh at that comment.

"Really, then how did you manage to get the money to pay for all those toys, books and school supplies you brought today? They couldn't have been cheap. Stop lying. You don't have to lie to me, you know that."

The thing was, Innu wasn't lying. He hadn't been to many of those underground fights. It was how he made the bulk of his income before. Now though, although he used his fists, it was different. The fights he had gotten into recently and the money he had gotten was almost an extra. He did it because..he wanted to help them.

And now that they had the Wolf club, perhaps there would be fewer reasons for him to earn money through his fists.

'Huh, I'm just lying to myself. Now that I'm in a gang, I properly will have to use my fists more, but…it feels different.'

"Don't worry," Innu said. "I might still be using my fists and making money, but it feels different somehow."

After finishing the washing up, Innu placed the bandages back on his hand and said goodnight to the others while heading outside with Kevin.

Here, Innu would show Kevin a few moves. The reason why they had gotten close was due to them both having a similar interest, fighting.

As for how Innu knew how to fight, this was a story that no one at the orphanage knew, but when arriving, it was clear he already knew how to quite a bit.

One day, Kevin had returned, beaten and bruised by kids at his school. Kevin had come up to him with a request to teach him how to fight.

Innu had taught him how to defend himself. They didn't go to the same school, so Innu couldn't give them a beating himself, so he did the next best thing. After that, the two continued to grow closer until he left.

Right now, Innu was showing moves while Kevin was just watching. After nine minutes of nonstop shadow boxing, he was now breathing quite heavily.

"Wow, I mean, maybe it's not my place to say, but your kicking and punching have gotten stronger. You've really improved. I guess all that outside fighting has really helped you." Kevin said as he attempted to imitate what Innu had just done.

It was then that Innu sat down on the floor and watched, giving pointers whenever he could see mistakes. Still, he was a little distracted and hardly said anything because he thought about what Kevin had just said.

'I've improved...I keep thinking back to that day.' Innu thought. 'Those twins, we all could have died, but Gary, he somehow saved us. He went into that container and took care of both of them. No matter how I think about it, no matter how many times I try to envision fighting both of them in my head, I just can't see how I would win in the state they were in. Gary, how did you do it?'

This was what had been on his mind. The Gary that had fought against the two twins along his side would have never been able to accomplish such a thing, so he thought it was impossible for Gary to beat both of them so quickly.

"Hey, I don't know how much I should tell you," Kevin said after he had stopped his training as well. "Lately, there have been a few people that have been coming to the orphanage, they've been talking to Suzan, and she always seems to be down after that.

"I tried asking her, and she won't speak to me about it. Maybe she will speak to you." Kevin said.

"Hey!" A voice shouted from the building. Looking at whom it was, it looked like it was the very person they were talking about.

"Speak of the devil." Kevin started to run back as he knew it was time for him to get some sleep. At the same time, Innu thought that perhaps he should say goodbye to them all before heading back.

Kevin had run off into the building, and Innu slowly got up. He thought he would do one more round before saying goodbye to Suzan and started to shadow box once again, but this time on his own.

He visualised the two twins in their strange forms that day and went for a kick to the head. Trying to go faster, stronger, and throwing one more kick, his body spun, and for a second, he thought his eyes caught somethi Ig.

Turning his head, he looked towards the gate, but nothingSuzanthere.

'Am I imagining things? I could have sworn I saw someone standing there, but there's no one there?'

Ignoring the images his head was making and the shiver in his body, he decided to head inside.

"Maybe I'll stay here for the night." Innu thought. "And I'll talk to suzan about what Kevin said."


At that moment, outside of the gate a little further away down the street, Gary had tackled a hooded figure to the ground, and standing behind him with two batons in his hand was Blake.

"Looks like we got you this time before you could do anything, Billy!" Gary said with his hands already transformed.

On the ground under the hood, the person could be seen smiling back.


Top 10 in golden tickets = 5 chapter mass release

Instagram: jksmanga

Support my editor: ko-fi/devilsadvocate

My Werewolf System Chapter 168

When Gary and Blake had reached the Orphanage, the two of them were debating about what to do. Whether they should head inside the place and try to find Billy. Although Gary felt like this might cause an awkward situation if Innu was inside, there was also the chance that them coming to the scene would scare Billy away.

However, they thought it was unlikely that he would be inside anyway. The place looked quite large, and he was sure there would be multiple people, especially at an orphanage.

'I wonder, does Innu visit this place often? Maybe Billy just has never had the chance to attack Innu. Lately, he's always been around us, and if he visits this place a lot.'

With this thought, Gary was thinking about what he would do. What would he have done if he was the one hunting Innu? There were a few things Billy needed to do. To make sure he wasn't seen by others, and it looked like Billy was straying from killing others during his task.

At the same time, so far, Billy had been doing well not to be caught with his other killings. Perhaps he needed to follow Innu's route a few times before he came up with the perfect plan.

In the end, Gary felt like if they followed Innu every day after school, perhaps they would get their answer if he was there or not. Because of this, Blake looked for a good spot where they could see the Orphanage well.

On the street just outside of it, there was a three-story apartment block, on the side a ladder that would be used as a fire exit. Using this, the two of them climbed up it and continued to watch from afar.

'I wonder why Innu is visiting an Orphanage. Is he an orphan?' Wondering about the other's situation, it was then that Gary realised he didn't really know much about Innu.

Honestly, he thought his relationship with many of those around him would be temporary. As time went on, he realised that perhaps that wouldn't be the case at all. All of these people were now members of his gang, and they had all risked their lives to save Marie. There was a strong bond between them all.

Something similar to friendship, but it wasn't quite the same. Eventually, the two of them could see Innu leaving the place.

'Maybe I should also create bond markings with Innu?' Gary thought.

Not long after, they could see a large figure walk up to the gate and was staring inside. The figure had stayed just outside for a while, not moving in but just staring.

"His temperature is high, and he's wearing a hoodie," Blake said. "I think we might have found our guy!"

Knowing this, Gary didn't take long to get into action. He practically ran from the roof they were on, and before landing, he transformed his legs slightly, allowing him to take the blow his legs would have done.

This was something that Blake didn't want to risk, so he climbed back down the ladder chasing after Gary, not too far behind him.

When running through the street, Gary could see the hooded figure not even staring away from the inside of the Orphanage. It was almost like they were obsessed with what they were looking at. At the same time, a scent had entered Gary's nose.

It was a smell he had smelled before. When it hit his nose, memories started to flood his head.

'It's Billy!' Gary thought.

Straight away, using the partial transformation, the muscles in his thigh started to bulge, ripping his trousers slightly. He started to transform his arms as well, breaking through his shirt, and his speed drastically increased in seconds. He shot from his position and even leapt in the air, his arms aiming around the figure's waist.

'Transforming here, Gary! What if someone sees you? We need to get to another area!' Balke thought but would continue to follow and support his ally.

After tackling what Gary thought was Billy to the ground, he was now on top of him, and the person he had been looking for all along was there.

"Hahaha, have you been tracking me down?!" Billy couldn't help but laugh. "I never thought you would actually be looking for me. You really are brave."

Looking at his face, Gary was hesitant with his two hands.

'Why can't I strike him? I struck the twins...is it because he looks human?'

Trying to forget about this, Gary shook his head and readied his claws, swinging them both towards Billy's head at the same time, but just before they reached, Billy grabbed them both by the wrist.

There seemed to be some type of power struggle between the two.

'He's holding my hands…he has gotten stronger, or maybe he was already this strong, to begin with!'

It looked like Gary was eventually winning out as he continued to push forward, and his long fingernails were inching closer to Billy's head.

"Why can I hear footsteps?" Billy struggled to say and looked down, seeing another coming towards him. "It looks like you got help."

It was then that Billy's eyes started to change, and his forearms started to get larger. His whole body was changing on the spot. Before Gary could do anything, He lifted up his legs and kicked him in the stomach, causing Gary to fall back and crash into Blake.

"Sorry," Gary said, getting up.

When the two got up, they could see a large black furred wolf staring at them. It was bigger than what Gary remembered seeing in the video of himself, and it was clear now that Billy knew how to transform, even though it wasn't a full moon.

However, Billy suddenly turned away in his werewolf form and took a run for it.

"We have to get him!" Gary shouted. "We can't let him get away."

"I agree," Blake said as the two began the chase.


Top 10 in golden tickets = 5 chapter mass release

Instagram: jksmanga

Support my editor: ko-fi/devilsadvocate





I think that's actually really himself transformed.