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Chapter 156 - Incomplete

The amount of liquid that had been in the syringe that the twins had injected into themselves had been small. Honestly, Raven wasn’t sure what exactly it would do, but as a leader of the Grey Elephant gang, he just knew that testing it out on their loyal followers would be a terrible gamble.

If those things worked as Sin had alluded to, he could always use the syringe on himself or someone else later, but first he had to know their effects… especially the side effects.

The twins showed an immediate reaction. The veins around the puncture site started to bulge. Sren and Leng felt as a foreign organism had entered their body and was now crawling through it, changing them by the second.

“What the hell?'' Kai wondered as he carefully approached Sren. He had expected them to do something, but both of them just stared at their veins. The blonde teenager carefully approached Sren since he was closer to him.

“Hey, what did you just take?” Kai asked the red haired teenager, but his eyes indicated that he was in a trance or experiencing some kind of psychedelic trip. He was looking up at Kai yet at the same time not registering his presence.

What’s more, the blonde teenager could see that Sren seemed to be burning up. He could even feel the heat coming from his body. Since both of his opponents seemed to be out of it, Kai turned his head, looking at the syringe on the ground.

‘…didn’t I see something like that before? … Could it be… was this the same stuff that strange guy tried to inject Austin with during Gary and Innu’s fight?’ Kai figured the situation out.

“What was in the syringe?!” Kai shouted at Sren once more, who still didn’t react. By now, the veins on the side of his forehead were bulging, and his head had turned slightly red. Without any prior warning, Sren grabbed Kai’s wrist.

The twin was gripping onto it tightly, and the blonde high schooler could feel the other getting stronger by the second. Strangely, Sren still seemed to be out of it, as he titled his head and looked at Kai with enlarged pupils.

“Get off!” Kai demanded, as he used all his strength to kick his captor in the stomach. Fortunately, it did the trick, Sren let go and fell to the ground on his knees, allowing the other teenager to distance himself to figure out the situation.

Slowly getting back up, Sren lifted his head, allowing Kai, and everyone else, to get a closer look at what he was changing into. His eyes had sunken in deep and his sclera had changed from white to black. There was no distinguishing between the pupil and the rest of his eyes.

Sren’s hair was falling out, leaving only the outline of his scalp. For some reason, Sren's lips were starting to fuse together. However, it wasn’t one solid piece, one could see small gaps in between, allowing him to open and close it, when he did, the inside resembled melted cheese.

‘What was in that liquid…we have to get out of here ASAP! I have an awful feeling.’ Kai worried as he started to back away even more. He turned around, running back to where Innu and Austin were.

“Hey man, what freaky voodoo shit do they have going on over there?” Innu asked, though the main thing that scared him was the sudden hair loss. “What if that stuff is infectious? I don’t wanna go bald at my age!”

“Didn’t you see them use injections? Whatever was in it, must have done ‘that’ to them. Probably some enhancement drug gone wrong. Maybe something like a souped up steroid usage?” Austin theorised.

Kai was thinking along the same lines, yet they could see the transformation of the two had finished. It was hard to describe their current outer appearance, but it certainly resembled some monsters out of a nightmare, a hell of a lot more than a human.

The twins’ fingers had slightly elongated, and their nails looked sharp like screws, but were long like pencils, but on their face, and on random parts of their hand there were patches of fur slightly green in colour.

‘Did that injection change them into Altered?’ Kai wondered for a moment, but looking at them, especially at the way they behaved, there had to be something seriously wrong with them. It was almost as if they were incomplete.

“Haha, this is great! Buffin told us that he gave those guys an ace up your sleeve. This must be it!” A grey colour member said with confidence as he approached Sren.

By now, the grey colour gang was down to around a dozen members. Innu and Austin were showing signs of exhaustion, but the remaining colour gang members weren’t too keen on their chances of taking them down. Their best chance was to get the twins to fight them.

The gang member was a bit scared about their changed appearance, but he knew that the two were on their side. If they were as strong as they were ugly, those three intruders would stand no chance.

Alas, the moment he came close enough to the being that used to be the short haired twin, it snapped its head around. The dark, sunken black eyes frightened the gang member, yet before he could escape he could feel some liquid filling in his throat.

He himself didn’t even understand what had happened as the life escaped his eyes, but everyone else saw the grotesque scene. Using his monstrous nails, ‘Sren’ had shoved it into the grey colour gang member's throat. Blood was dripping down and slowly filling the member's mouth, and eventually his body was chucked to the side on the floor, laying there dead.

Unfortunately, Sren wasn’t the only one who had changed. Leng looked identical to his twin. He leapt through the air, covering a distance no normal human would be able to cross, and pierced the throat of a different grey colour gang member.

“What the f*ck is going on?!” Innu asked in a panic. “They’re attacking their own side! Shit, what do we do, Kai?”

The blonde teenager looked ahead. He wasn’t liking their chances of getting out alive by trying to flee after seeing their leaping power. At the same time, running into the warehouse wasn’t exactly safe either. There should still be more grey colour gang members inside, and it might endanger Marie further.

‘Gary’s there… and if the colour gang members see those monsters, even they should understand that teaming up might be our only chance to take them down!’ Kai made his decision and went ahead to open the warehouse door.


Top 5 in golden tickets = 5 chapter mass release

Instagram: jksmanga

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Chapter 157 - Don’t touch my gang!

‘Do I just cover her with my body and charge out? No, they have weapons, so she might get seriously hurt.’ Gary thought what to do, now that he had found Marie.

[42/120 Energy]

Being low on Energy meant that the green haired teenager couldn’t afford to waste much time in the container thinking about what to do next. He had untied Marie, allowing the high school girl to move on her own, but since there were still more gang members outside, there was nowhere she could really go.

‘Damn it, if Marie wasn’t here, I could have taken an arm or a leg from the grey colour gang leader to help me out of this situation!’ Gary briefly contemplated asking her to turn around. Since she had seen him transform, maybe she wouldn’t mind.

However, the banging on the other side was getting louder. Looking around the room, there was only one exit, so he would have to try his best. With one hand, Gary lifted Buffin's body off the ground. The grey colour gang leader wasn’t dead, yet his body sure was acting like dead weight.

“Marie, please stay back for now. If worse comes to worst, I promise I’ll protect you. I’ll open a path for you, and Kai and the others should be waiting outside. There’s no need to worry about me.”

The high school girl nodded, knowing what Gary was, she felt like if anyone could get them out of this situation, it would be him. With his hand on the iron lock, the green haired teenager was ready. He quickly slid it open and yanked the door forward.

As he did this, a gang member fell through the door. Seeing this, Gary slammed his knee into his face, hitting him right on the chin, which knocked him out in an instant.

[Your opponent has been knocked out]

[30 Exp gained]

[398/1228 Exp]

Gary let him fall to the floor, so he would act as a hindrance for other ones. When the next one tried to enter, the masked teenager swung the door as hard as he could, slamming it into the newcomer’s face.

[Your opponent has been knocked out]

[30 Exp gained]

[428/1228 Exp]

Gary’s impressive strength was doing him well, but more than anything, the small opening was perfect to force a one on one situation. The only question was what would run out first, the Werewolf’s Energy reserve or the manpower on the grey colour gang’s side.

‘Maybe if I keep beating these guys I’ll manage to Level Up… I could do something with it, help me fight a bit longer. Worst case scenario, I’ll just have to start eating some fingers!’ Gary decided. As the door was seen opening again, the next thing he did was to lift the body he had been holding with both hands and hurl it at the group on the other side.

At first, they had no clue who it was, but as the first row of them was knocked over, some of them recognised that it was their leader, Buffin.

‘He beat our leader…he beat him…but then…what do we do?’ Was the thought that was running through their heads.

Noticing that nobody else came at him, the masked teenager was slightly surprised. He decided to take a quick peek, yet when they saw him, they collectively took a few steps back, a reaction that quite surprised him. Just because he had beaten their leader, the members seemed more hesitant than before.

‘I don’t get it… When they saw my hand transform like an Altered’s, they continued to attack me…  When they saw me easily beat up one of their members, they still attacked…  but now of all things, they act like this?’

Seeing the state of their ‘all powerful’ leader, a person they all looked up to, a figure that they considered to be stronger than them all in such a state, had made most of them lose their remaining will to fight against Gary.

It was almost as if they knew they had been defeated. The negative energy of some of their members was passing onto the others, and when looking at Gary, they started to share another emotion…

They were afraid of this person who had beaten the one they all considered to have been unbeatable. They had all heard about how powerful Altered could be, but seeing Buffin passed out just proved that none of them would stand a chance against that masked intruder.

On top of that, they had already lost a number of people due to this single person, and just how strong he was, was starting to set in.

‘Is this what Kai meant… how a leader always had to be strong? If I knew it could be this freaking easy, then I would have just gone for the damn leader at the start.’

Since Marie could no longer hear the sound of fighting from outside, she decided follow after Gary. The teenage girl could see that the grey colour gang members were just spread out, not really doing anything, just looking at Gary, seemingly waiting for him to do something.

She quickly went over to his side, and decided to grab his arm. Gary could clearly feel that her whole body was shaking as Marie held onto him tightly. Finding the situation before him, the high schooler decided that he should make use of this opportunity to get out.

“Listen up!” Gary shouted imposingly. “We’re leaving this place! And no one is going to stop us!” He looked at Buffin, and the gang members soon looked at the state he was in as well. Lifting his arm and making a fist, the grey colour gang members flinched, slightly expecting a fight.

“This is a warning to all of you as well, in the future none of you are to touch any members of the Howlers! You ever hear our name, or anyone mentioning that they are part of our group, if you hurt them in any way, then I will personally hunt you down!”

Although Gary wasn’t sure if his words sounded menacing or not, the others felt its effect, unsure if it was his strange mask, or the bloody mess that Buffin had been left in. Gary started to walk forward, and they stepped out of his way, making a clear path while Marie held onto him until the door was only a few metres away.

The next second, the door slid open, and immediately both Innu and Austin slid it shut. Kai followed right after, and all three of them shared the look of panic on their faces.

“What’s wrong?” Gary asked.

The others didn’t even know where to begin to explain, but there was no need, because the next second, a bang could be heard. It was followed by another, and by the time the third one sounded out, a strange looking hand had penetrated the metal door.




Pointy phalanges


Chapter 156&7?