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MWS 123

More and more often, Gary found himself being put in situations that forced him to lie because the truth was just too bizarre and there were things he needed to hide no matter what. Making matters even worse, he had more than one secret and all of the people around him only knew certain parts or had been lied to in regards to others.

His mother was currently in the hospital, yet when she woke up he would someday have to explain where he had managed to acquire the money to help them pay for bills. Gary had told Amy that he had been helping out another friend of his with their family business, yet he had deliberately avoided mentioning that this ‘family business’ had him work as a Transporter for the Underdogs.

As for Tom, his best friend still believed that Gary had become a Werewolf due to a strange package, yet he knew nothing about where it had come from. Overall, the green haired teenager had done his best to keep the other away from anything gang related, be it him having been in one, and naturally him being the active leader of another.

Then there was Kai who was the only one aware of the situation with the Underdogs and now that he thought about it, his upperclassman also knew about the Dem family problems, as well as Billy. He knew pretty much everything except that his underclassman wasn’t exactly a hundred percent human anymore.

There was a worry on Gary’s mind about how the others would react if they found out the truth. It would be one thing if he had been an Altered, yet his situation appeared to be something else entirely. He didn’t want them to know for fear he would lose them. Aside from his family and Tom the Howlers was all he had right now.

The worst part of it all, was that Gary was a horrible liar. Often he said the first thought that came to his head, which this time was. ‘Whoh, it really healed I must have superpowers.’ Thankfully he bit his tongue back this time before saying anything.

When Marie tried to look at his other hand, he had instantly hidden both of them behind his back.

‘What the… am I an idiot? It's not like if she can’t see my hands she will now believe whatever I say.’ Gary chided himself.

“You two also saw that glass shard pierce his hand, right?” Marie questioned the two high school boys who were still behind the bar. “I’m not going crazy, heck he even took it out and right here I have a rag full of blood!” The high school girl lifted it up seemingly to convince herself as much as Innu and Kai. Meanwhile, Gary scooted around to reposition himself so his fellow gang members wouldn’t be able to see his next action.

While Innu looked on the floor and could see that there was indeed a large shard with blood on it. There was no doubt in his mind that they had all seen the same thing.

‘What do I do? Should I just confess to being an Altered? No, that will just open another can of worms, meaning I would have to come up with more lies to hide it. There's only one thing I can do.’

Instead of adding it to the web of lies he had already spun, the green haired teenager decided to do something more drastic.

[Skill activated Claw Drain]

[-15 Energy]

His fingers started to grow slightly and so did his sharp and hard nails. It would hurt but Gary had no choice and with his hands behind his back the others wouldn’t be able to see. It was at that moment, that he used the ‘claw’ to dig into his hand, creating a large cut across it.

[-2 HP]

[You are suffering from minor blood loss]

[If too much blood is lost it will continue to lower your HP]

‘Shit, this hurts way more than that stupid little piece of glass. The things I do to keep up this lie…  maybe it would have been easier to tell them the truth.’

There was a worry on Gary’s mind though, that since he wasn’t in a fight his passive healing or perhaps even his emergency healing might take effect.

Claw Drain only lasted a total of 2 seconds at Level 1 and while that might be detrimental during a fight, for his current purposes it was perfect. By the time everyone looked from the rag back him his hands had already reverted to normal. He lifted up his hand with blood dripping down it.

“Sorry, I just didn’t want you to put alcohol on the right hand.” Gary apologised. “Alcohol on an open wound seriously hurts, but you’re right it needs to get disinfected. I just put some blood on the other hand hoping you wouldn’t find out. The cut is still there, it’s just on the other hand.”

Hearing this, Marie let out a big sigh.

“Just come over here, you big cry baby.” The high school girl shook her head, while Gary willingly went over, and placed his hand out. She could see a big cut, and started to get to work, not even questioning why it looked so ‘fresh’. The green haired teenager didn’t even have to act to let out a cry when the alcohol came into contact with his wound. He just hoped that the emergency or passive healing wouldn’t kick in so quickly that Marie could see it healing on the spot.

In the end, Marie bandaged it up, and it looked like she hadn’t noticed anything strange. However, the other two boys in the room weren’t as convinced. The high school girl might not have paid enough attention to the fight, but both Kai and Innu were more than ninety percent sure that the shard of glass should have gone through the other hand. To top it off, his strange actions were definitely because he was hiding something.

‘Why the need to cover it up, Gary?’ Kai wondered, as he started to think back to certain events. ‘Wait, could it be possible… it seemed too crazy to be true, but if I put everything together, your fast improvement and what happened in the park with Tom and that wolf-type Altered, but how… is that it? Was that what was inside the briefcase Damion is so crazy about and why you’re running from the Underdogs?’

Of course, Kai had no way to test out the conclusion he had reached. Confronting the other directly wouldn’t yield much. He would have to either wait or find a way to make his underclassman confess to it himself, though he didn’t know how close his thoughts were to the actual reality. For now, he intended to keep their gang leader’s secret a secret.

‘This is getting exciting. If that’s really the case, we’ll be able to seriously accelerate the progress of my plans.’ A large grin started to appear on the bleach blonde teenager’s face.


Top 5 Golden Ticket = 5 chapter mass release

Instagram: jksmanga

Support my editor: ko-fi/devilsadvocate

MWS 124

Miss Degrace offered to drive everyone home, but Gary declined, claiming that just like Marie wanted, he would head straight to the hospital to get himself checked. Of course, there was no way the teenager was actually going there to waste his hard earned money when his body could naturally heal. Heck it would probably get even better than whatever a doctor would do, especially since there would be no wound by the time he would arrive.

The group had agreed that they would meet up at the pool club tomorrow once classes and club activities were over. They intended to do that everyday to do a bit of spring cleaning and physical work. On the way back home, Gary stopped by a convenience store, making sure he grabbed whatever he needed for himself and many items from the shop.

‘Does Amy even know how to cook? Maybe it's something I’ll need to learn while Mum is away. Let’s not risk it, better just get some pot noodles and microwave food to be safe. I know it's not the best but it will be better than me burning the house down.’ Gary decided.

The high schooler looked at the cash he had earned. He could pay for the hospital bills for a while with this, allowing his mother to stay, and he could perhaps pay rent. Other than that, there was still a mountain of bills that this sum wouldn’t be able to cover.

Money was still on his mind, and it didn’t seem like these events were a reliable source of income, nor could they earn as much from it as in the past.

It reminded him of some of the scenes he would see frequently while walking around the area. Where delinquents students would extort money from other students, but you never wanted to be that type of person.

‘One day I hope I’ll be rich enough to hire a personal chef for each of us. Not having to worry about anything, just doing whatever I want and enjoying the tastiest food.’ Gary day dreamed for a while. ‘Maybe by then, I can enjoy some normal food, and although I was never a big chocolate person now that I can’t have it, I do kinda miss it…’

The streets were mostly empty, with a few strange adult men in black suits, at a street corner now and then. These were members of the Underdogs and Gary understood that he had to be more careful than ever. He pulled his hood even closer over his head.

Since the gang war, it looked like a lot of the black colour gang had been injured, so now the Underdog gang members had come out, looking after the area so a second attack wouldn’t happen… at least not so soon. The good thing was, this led to a significant decrease in the crime rate in the area.

‘Those bastards, if they had just protected this place from the beginning like this, or if the police could do something like this then my mother wouldn’t have ever been hurt in the first place!’

Before completely heading back, Gary decided to check out one thing, and that was his newly unlocked skill.

[Full Transformation]

[When activated, the user’s body transforms into its Werewolf Form]

The skill will take 20 points of Energy to use.

After activation, the skill will consume 10 points of Energy per minute

Warning; Skill will forcefully be cancelled when Energy reaches less than 10 Energy!]

Gary had to read through the description a couple of times, just to make sure he was understanding it correctly. When he had seen the name of this new skill he had believed that it would be far more limited, perhaps allowing him to transform an entire part of his body, yet he hadn’t thought it would actually turn him ENTIRELY into a Werewolf.

‘Come on, system, can’t you elaborate a bit more?’ Gary pleaded to no effect as usual. ‘I kinda need to know if I will stay conscious or whether this will make me pass out and act on auto-pilot! I have no desire to become a wild and feral beast, especially when Blake’s family might have it out for me, you know?!!’

It was because of this possibility that the teenager wasn’t so keen to simply test out the Full Transformation skill right here, right now, though it did look like it would have some differences to when he had forcefully been changed into a Werewolf due to the full moon.

For one, he could see that it had a clear time limit, one tied to his Energy. It appeared as if the maximum duration of Full Transformation would be nine minutes, and that was assuming he would activate the skill with a full Energy bar. It would probably end far sooner if he used any skills as a Werewolf or if the Energy he expanded for anything would be separate from the 10 points of Energy it required to uphold the skill.

‘I mean, unless I'm constantly eating while in that state. Because then my energy would be restored at the same time while I'm fighting. But a situation where I would willingly want to eat all those around me…is not something I want to think about.’

Based on the information given to him by Tom, he had been in his Werewolf Form for a very long time. Perhaps he would have stayed until sunrise if it wasn’t for his Energy getting low at an incredible rate. Which he assumed was due to his fighting and healing when fighting Billy. He also still didn’t know if he would have transformed back into a Werewolf if he had eaten his fill during the full moon.

‘If anything, it might be for the best if I consider this a last resort skill but even then… I would have to know If I couldn’t beat my opponent at all. If I fought someone for a while then my Energy would be lower, meaning the time limit would be shorter. That’s not the only problem though, it doesn't even tell me what type of boost I get for going full Werewolf.

‘Where's the improved stats? Where’s the exclusive Werewolf skills and all that Shiz!’ Gary complained, yet all he got was silence. It was then that Gary saw a member of the Underdogs walk past him on the street.

His heart was thumping loud, thinking that he might notice him, or ask him a few questions. Gary continued walking and could see an alleway nearby.

‘If I use Claw drain a few times to lower my energy, and then use Full Transformation it should only last a minute at most, right?’ Gary looked at the Underdog member near him.


Top 5 Golden Ticket = 5 chapter mass release

Instagram: jksmanga

Support my editor: ko-fi/devilsadvocate

MWS 125

In the end, Gary decided against the idea of testing it out, not now and not in this area against a person he didn’t even know. Sure gang members were mostly bad, but he had no right to punish a random person who might have similar circumstances to himself, especially if all he was currently doing was making sure that the neighbourhood was safe.

Alas, it appeared as if the high schooler would only find out once he tested it out. Maybe when he transformed it would give him all these benefits, provided of course he stayed conscious. Right now he would have very much prefered a Partial Transformation skill over the full version.

‘Wait…can Billy do this too?’ That thought suddenly entered his head. ‘I got this reward from the system, and maybe he hasn’t done anything that allows him to do this stuff. If that’s the case, isn’t this an easy way to take him out? If I can somehow get me and Billy together in an empty room… he might be strong, but surely my Werewolf Form should be enough to beat Billy in Human form, right?’

There was no way to confirm if Billy could or couldn't do this, but the only reason he thought he perhaps couldn’t was because he hadn’t tried to attack Innu or Gary since that day.

Of course, Gary wouldn’t just gamble everything on that without trying it out first, but now wasn’t the time nor the place for it. There was someone who had been waiting for him the entire day. When coming in, he could see his sister immediately come out of her room to check up at who had entered.

“Gary!” Amy ran over, and quickly went over to give her big brother a large hug. He saw that her eyes were puffy.

‘She must have been crying since this morning…’

“Sorry, it took so long. I hope 20 was enough to order something nice. I’ve also brought some food like I said I would.” Gary handed over the shopping back, and his sister immediately began to unpack the groceries, helping out as best as she could.

It was strange how something so ‘regular and boring’ managed to put a smile on the high schooler’s face, and he went over to do his part. As thankful as she was, Amy did give him an earful about two things, the amount of meat he had purchased as well as the amount of junk food. When shopping his instincts must have taken over for the former, as for the latter, he had just wanted to avoid burning down their apartment, which he confessed to.

The two of them joked and laughed about it, and Gary believed that the two of them would be able to get through this hard time. As long as the two siblings would stay together everything would turn out well


[28 Days till the next full moon]

[30 Exp received due to active Bond Marks]

[Exp 572/1024]

Once again, Gary had woken up before Amy, though there were a few reasons for why he didn’t just go back to sleep. Now that he would be heading to the pool club after school, the high schooler needed to head to the gym in the morning before going to school.

He still needed to improve his body, and get the Daily Exp, even if it was a pittance, and then he would do his morning routine of hunting in the forest. The teenager was getting better at using his skills. In particular his Claw Drain had allowed him to catch birds and squirrels thanks to his suddenly longer reach, and it was good for his footwork as well. The fights had also improved his hunting to some degree.

For once, when coming to school. He felt like there were no immediate problems. Of course there were still many problems, but for once it felt like he would have enough time to deal with them all.

“I feel like I finally got a break.” Gary mumbled as he took his seat.

“Oh, did you overexert yourself? Here I thought you must have been having fun with your ‘new friends’.” Tom commented a bit snarky. It was clear his best friend was annoyed at him. To be fair, Gary hadn’t even bothered to talk or text him after simply disappearing once Rugby training was over.

When was the last time he had come over to Tom's house or that the two of them had watched an Altered match together? Lately, Gary had been obsessed with Rugby, or going out with the others after school. It was starting to feel as if they were drifting apart, the only glue holding their friendship together being the secret the two of them shared about his sudden chocolate ‘allergy’.

“Hey, Tom…” Gary began, unsure about whether inviting him to the pool club would be a good or bad idea. ‘As long as it’s during the day and it’s just about helping the place out, it wouldn’t be too dangerous… shit, but that would mean that I would have to ask the others to avoid openly talking about any Howlers business…’

“I'm sorry man, I’m just really busy these days. I promise everything will be back to normal soon, and I think I might need your help with you know… my ‘special problem’.” Gary leaned in and whispered. Tom wondered what type of questions he could ask him.

Just as the first period was about to start, a knock could be heard on the classroom door.

“Come in!” The teacher called.

At that moment, two people could be seen walking into the classroom. They had almost barged their way in and the first first thing they did was flash their badges towards the teacher which immediately made him take a step back.

“We have already gotten permission from your Headmistress, we are here to look for one of your students, a boy by the name of Gary Dem.” The female explained as she looked over the class, stopping when she spotted a certain green head.

Seeing the two of them, Gary immediately gulped because there was no way he could forget them. Those were the two White Rose agents that had found him snooping around Billy’s place.

‘Shit, did they find out anything?’ Gary wondered, lamenting his fate of seemingly not even being allowed to get one day off without any drama.



So the girl didn't change into a werewolf. That means altereds can't be changed. That means altereds aren't human which also means my theory about the beasting process is probably right.


The things you do to cover a lie. Just best not to.


She was having problems, and the change isn't immediate. I suspect she still may after a time, like Billy did after a time.