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Chocolates taste all the sweeter when you can tease it directly out of the hands of the tiny villain that you just shrunk down.

Sorry for being a bit late to get a Valentines piece done. I actually had a short little strip planned for Valentines day but I found myself wanting to add more and more onto it and it quickly become apparent that I was going to need more time to get it done. And so in the meantime, I thought I could try to make a small one-off sketch that I would hopefully get out there on time for Valentines day while I finish off the strip I originally planned at a later date. But being the slowpoke I am, I still managed to take my time with just this one off sketch. I know I say it a lot but hopefully this is worth the wait. Especially since I there's still a Valentines themed strip that's yet to come.

Also my smooth brain has only now just figured out how to use gradient maps on my grayscale sketches. Feel free to me know what you think and if this is something you like seeing on my sketches or if you still prefer seeing my sketches in grayscale.




Oh, oh god, damn that's amazing, everything about that pic is a 10 out of 10, you have no need to apologize, it was more than worth the wait! As for your sketches, I'd say it's up to you, your current ones look great, and if everything you've done is any indication using a gradient map would make it look great too, so my answer would be whatever you feel is best ....Also I don't get what Jinx is complaining about, if she doesn't want what's about to happen I'll happily take her place~


Amazing ❤️ the "Booyah!!" On the box was a great touch that made me chuckle. Jinx better not keep saying to "let her go". She probably won't like where she is going to land xD Fantastic work as usual. Hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day


Oh man, your Valentines pieces are always amazing!


This is truly epic. Hey I always wanted to ask, there any plans on more avatar stuff? Toph is always great in your style and I'm sure Katara would be amazing too


I don't have any current plans to draw more Avatar stuff unfortunately. But there's always a chance I'll find myself in the mood to draw one of the characters from that show some time in the future. Right now I'm just focused on drawing Raven stuff for the most part.