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  • Giga_Raven_ENCODED.mp4



In search of a nice place to unwind and relax, Raven uses her powers to explore an peculiarly diminutive alternate dimension.

So first of all, you'll find in addition to this sketch, attached to this post is a really cool little animation based off the sketch that is made by the talented LewdsSonk. I want to give a major, major thanks to them for not only making it in the first place but also giving me permission to share it with you all. Definitely go give them a follow over on their Twitter or their Patreon if you can!

LewdsSonk Twitter
LewdsSonk Patreon

This sketch is actually something I've been sitting on for a while now. At the moment I don't have any current plans to keep working on it and properly shade it but I also wasn't sure if it would be something worth sharing in it's current state. In the end I've decided I may as well go ahead and share it anyway. It was meant to be a fun little thing I did on the side while I worked on sketching the pool strip but it more or less turned into a thing of it's own.



Ichiro Houkou

Snug... o///o ...those passengers are in for a ride in their new destination.

Iruma Mob 100

It looks absolutely fantastic! You really nailed it ^^ I’m always excited to see a new piece from you whenever he notification pops up 😄


Kudos to whoever did Raven's voice there. Great job. Would be fun to get them to do some of your prior works where Raven has dialogue too.

Sándor Balogh

an amazing comic strip o.O


I wanna be on that plane


Giga Raven my beloved 😍

Captain Pond

"Titanic Encounter" funnily enough, also describes an encounter with normal-sized Raven booty. She's just got too much for most to handle.


Iiiinteresting. Also seeing the butt print, I'm wondering if this is a sequel to that earlier picture you did a few years ago where she sat on a city. XD


What I wouldn't give to be on that plane And as far as apocalypses go, Raven's feet and butt are probably one of the better ones Great work as always RRR!


Thanks. You could say Raven's booty definitely has a way of making an apocalypse look appealing lol.


True, but anytime you draw giga Raven/Starfire/other girl I'm filled with bliss. You do the scale so well <3

Captain Pond

I've been around a long long year, so I'm wise to the half-demoness' ways.


I feel like you're finally starting to let the horniness out after all these years with those kind of scenarios lol. Amazing piece as always

Jinchuuriki Jay

Sorry I'm late but abosultely love this RRR. Making Raven booty and body effect things on the global size. Love the first panel with the craters she left and also glad you left that comment since I wanted to ask you about your previous sketches did you have plans to work on any of them ? Specifically the basketball comic I really love alot for multiple reasons


If she really meant to take that plane that was smooth XD. Excellent work!


Literally snatching a plane from the sky, love it!


Heh that's not a bad theory. I like to think this is an entirely separate instance where she sat on a city though.


Thanks! I do find it difficult to draw stuff on this scale because I find I'm not the best at drawing sprawling landscapes so I'm happy you liked this one.


Maybe lol. I don't feel like this is too much different from what you're used to seeing me drawing but I'm glad you like it nonetheless.


Glad you liked all the little details showing Raven's impact of her size. With the Basketball comic I made a while back, are you asking if I'll revisit it to add some more shading to it or if I'll color it?


I imagined it was unintentional in my own mind but I have to agree making it intentional would make it real smooth on Raven's part lol.


Damn that voice. So good.