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A little anon gets more than he's bargained for.

Wow I really did underestimate how long this one would take for me to complete. This was going to be another pic for valentines day but I ended up needing more time to work on it. I find I easily underestimate how much work there is for an image when multiple panels are involved. I'm happy that I now finally have it done though.

I included a version without dialogue too for anyone interested.

- Quick Edit: I did a quick recrop of panels 2-6 since it looked a little noticeable that she wasn't wearing her cape (I actually never drew a cape for those panels since I thought only her head is going to be in frame). Hopefully it shouldn't be as apparent now.




Now that's a deep kiss. ...I absolutely love it.

Iruma Mob 100

This one is really amazing! I’d love to see a version with Starfire, Jinx, or Terra instead of the anon if you ever feel up to make one. I know you spent a lot of time on this one so that’s why I’m not asking for it 😅 I know you might want to work on other pics now

Señor Sanchez

A tongue bath is hotter than hot!

Ichiro Houkou

"Well...since I'm already wet..." I love this <3 every second in her mouth must be heaven for these tinies!


Man I sure could use one of those kisses from raven right now to warm me up 😍


This is amazing I love it! I'd love to ask for maybe Jynx replacing the anon or maybe an edit with Aunt Cass and Hiro or some other girl from Big Hero 6


I'd be open to do doing an edit with either Starfire or Jinx getting the kiss so I'll see if I can do that at some point.


A version with Jinx is something I'm considering and a similar pic to this with some of the Big Hero 6 characters could be a fun one to do as well. I'll keep that idea in mind.


Oh my... this may be one of my new favourites! That last panel with that look on her face is absolutely perfect!


I would LOVE a Beastboy variant of this! Great work as always!


First off, absolutely amazing work! Second, not wanting to be that guy but will still plead “Any chance of a Beast Boy and Jinx variant, please?”


I didn't think of that. A Beast Boy version of this could work well too. I might see if I can do a Beast Boy version as well.


I was initially considering doing an edit with either Jinx or Starfire but I'm thinking I might do an edit for Beast Boy as well if I can.


It’s funny I’m not into vore, least the literal being swallowed idea but this is.....just 😳😳. Might have to do with that I like the size difference even to this extreme. I can also seeing her doing this to someone that’s annoyed her like keeping them trapping in her mouth and fighting with her tongue......and I’m rambling 😅. Short version, love it and your work as usual. Keep it up and keep safe.

Mataku Lasame

oh man, this is great! (Any chance of full vore, or just mouth stuff for now?) also, this gave me a great idea, Starfire asks Raven where Jinx is, only for Raven to open her mouth, revealing an utterly drenched Jinx before closing her mouth again.

Super Vader

Where do these little anons come from?

John Doe

Damn, I bet asking for a kiss and having her open her mouth unexpectedly would be quite the heart stopping moment! I’ll bet the anon had quite the view for a second there.


Raven is just so precious!

Shawn Fiction

Love it! Any chance of a regular size Anon getting a kiss? Leaving him breathless?


amazing! I'd love to have his point of view


I'm not into vore myself if you can believe it. I just think there's a lot of fun mouth play scenarios to play around with and yeah I could see Raven getting a little mischievous and keeping a little one trapped in her mouth to toy around with.


Sorry no vore. I'm sticking to just mouth play stuff but that idea of yours sounds interesting. If I do some more mouth play stuff with Raven then that might be something worth drawing.


Probably not anytime soon unfortunately. I feel like I spent all the valentines energy I had on the last two images but that could be something worth drawing at a later date. I'll keep the idea in mind.

Sándor Balogh

would be amazing to see a Star or Jinx edit of this too xD

Neostar Productions

I half-expected Raven to squash the guy with her lips~ X3


Also don't wanna sound rude but it's a shame you're not into vore. Your mouthplay game is something else


I'm exceptionally glad he's not. Vore grosses me out and I'd guess even if RRR was into it, it's niche enough that pictures involving it would drive away some more vanilla fans.


Raven <3


Love the detail, the little things are nice. Still a bummer not into vore but I can respect it. I'm still interested to see that cave tunnel idea and Raven bending over because something has her attention while knocking the track to the metro away, and well only her leotard as protection the train still just well *THWUMP* Raven: EEEP!?!


That is one hell of a kiss, that little anon is lucky as fuck Bet he's gonna ask for a longer kiss now though :v


Could we see a starfire and Robin edit, were star is giant and giving robin an overly passionate kiss? Also have an edit were the little guy is beastboy?


Not sure if I'll do an edit for Starfire and Robin but I'm already considering doing a Beast Boy edit at some stage.


Thanks and yeah that idea of yours is I still one I want to get around to drawing. I feel like it will be a fun one.