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Hey everyone. This is an announcement I've been sitting on for a while since I've felt a little hesitant to go through with it but I think deep down it's something that is going to be for the best that I do rather than not doing it. Like the title suggests, I've decided I'm going to be taking a break from making art during the month of January. I've been pretty relentless in the last few months making art and I think it's finally taken it's toll on me and burned me out. Some of you may have even noticed that I have slowed down a bit during this month too, only putting out some edits here and there and a single original pic for Christmas. I don't feel like I've burned out creatively as so much as I've burned myself out physically so thankfully it's not a situation where I've hit that dreaded art block. I know that's something that can get so bad that it leaves artists unable to create anything for several months. For me this is more like I just need to take a step back from the constant stream of making art and just have a solid break. 

There's been some people who are really kind and considerate towards me that tell me to take it easy and not push myself too hard and risk burning myself out. I'm grateful that people are looking out for me like that but I've always been a little stubborn and found myself wanting to keep pressing on and making some new content since there is never a shortage of interesting scenarios and characters to draw thanks to all the suggestions you've all shared with me. It's one of those things where there's always dozen requests on the horizon that get me all inspired and motivated work on them but then of course I'm not physically capable of keeping up with all of them to make art of them in a timely manner so I'm always aiming to do as much as I possibly can.

With all that being said. There's still a couple more edits I want to make before this month ends. Once I get those done, I'll likely not have any more content to post until after January ends. And last but not least I'll be pausing my patreon account so nobody should be charged during the month of January.

So that's about it. Thanks for taking the time to read my little blurb and I guess I'll see you all in about a month. Then again I won't actually be absent during that time. I'll still be checking in and reading and responding to any messages that any of you have sent me during January so not to worry I won't be "gone" gone.



Rest bro, you deserve it.


Take your time, we’ll be here when you come back 👍

Rachel Roth

Get some rest lovely, you deserve it

Jinchuuriki Jay

Hey I'm sorry that you been carrying on such a burden like that Ravenravenraven. I hope you get the time to rejuvenate well and come back whenever you feel like it stronger


You owe us no explanation! Take your time and recharge yourself!


Take all the time you need. You yourself is more important than art. Have a fantastic month off!


Take your time and take care of yourself first.


Thanks for the update! Not to worry, dude, I'm just happy to see you recognizing the signs and putting yourself first. See you in the new year!


Enjoy the break, though I'll be surprised if you last the whole month without uploading. The artists I know always seem to cut their breaks short; regardless of whether they should or shouldn't. Take the rest you deserve and we'll see you back once you feel reinvigorated.


Wish that you have a restful break. Personally, I’d still support you for the month but thankful that you’re thinking of us when you take the break. Just means I’ll double up on my subscription come February ;)

Azahar Centeno

We’ve always told you to take it easy on yourself. We support you for your awesome art. Hey, our requests can wait. You need to unwind, stretch those muscles, and get some needed fresh air. Honestly, as a Leftist (filthy Commie type), I’ve opened myself up to very conflicting and very demanding perspectives of me and the world around me in general. Everything from “me” and “you” perspective, to an artist suffering from a wrist injury, to people being inspired to create - until their creations consume them. A separation between Us (your fans), and “You” (the artist) is that WE (your fans) *forget* that you’re a human being. Not some robot or God-like figure, so we, as “The Customer/Fan”, always get a twisted sense of entitlement to “You.” (In this case, your Patreon.) If the phrase “Starving Artist” is familiar to you, it’s just as familiar as “The Customer is ALWAYS right.” The separation between talent and people asking requests or commissions - is just as removed as the Customer and the items being purchased. (There’s no “human” on the other side, despite Cashier or Artist.) To put it simply: We have to remember that you are human. While you are an amazing talent, we cannot tell you to work yourself to the bone - because “WE” “PAY” “YOU.” We don’t own you. We are your fans. We support you. The least we can do, as your fans, is wait patiently, and get excited for the next set of images down the line. If that means a restful hiatus, then it’ll be worth it to see a triumphant return, from an amazing artist such as yourself. You deserve every bit of support your way. Hopefully I didn’t sound too sappy. But, I thought I’d give you some food for thought. We support you. We will be patient. We only ask that you take good care of yourself, alright? Take care.🥰


Take your time man, I completely understand getting physically burned out like that and it sucks.


Burnout is a terrible thing, I don't think anyone blames you for taking a break.

Neostar Productions

We all need to take a break every now and then. And you have more than earned one. Take care! 😎👍🏾


Take care. Everyone needs a break sometimes. Burnout really sucks. I hope you get some rest.


It's no burden. I enjoy making the art. I just don't know how to pace myself but I'm sure after this break I'll feel recharged and ready to make some more content.

Ryan L.

A well deserved break. Take care of yourself.

Sándor Balogh

Take care. Make sure to rest enough and to keep away from drawing to rest :)


take all the time you need friend


You have earned the break Do something nice for yourself while Youre away Cant wait to see when ur back


I suppose it was getting pretty hard for me to ignore the signs lol. Catch ya later in the new year!


I'll be honest I'm not too sure I'll last a month either. If the inspiration strikes then there is a drive to strike while the iron is hot. For now though a part of me is looking forward to having a bit of a break from making art so we'll see how things play out.


Take as much time as you need!


Thanks and it only seemed like the right thing to do. No reason to be charging people if no content is being made. Also doubling up on February is naughty. There's no need to do that!

Andrei Felix

Take care of yourself dude. You brought amazing raven art in this world


Thanks for the kind words. I know I tend to keep the focus entirely on the art and very little on myself but I'm sure people at the end of the day know that I am human and that I have limits. It might just be that some overestimate what I can do because they aren't sure what my limit are or they are just very eager to see their idea for a picture be drawn. I also don't think you have to worry too much about me being mistreated from everyone that is supporting me. All my interactions with everyone on here has been really nice and I get the impression people are willing to be patient and give me the extra time if it is needed to make the art better in the end which is something I'm really thankful for. It's certainly never made me feel like that the people that support me own me. If there is any mistreatment then most of it is coming from me in the end but hopefully this break will help give me understand to give me some time to focus on myself and take things easy.


Thanks. It's a bummer. It would be nice if I could keep going on and on and on making art but I guess we all eventually have to stop and have a break.


Hey no worries, take care of yourself. See you after your break.


Take as much time off as needed you deserve it after all the awesome works you have made. We will still be here once you return 😁👌👍!


Take all the time you need dude, Have a happy and safe new years!


Enjoy your rest then


Hey, take it easy and have a happy new year!


Take the time you need and we will be here when you come back. Have a happy new year :D


Have a well deserved brake

Jake Ryder

I wish that I could give you a tray of warm cookies. I genuinely hope you have a marvelous break

praedatorius praedatorii

That's cool. Take it easy, and we'll see you again when you're rested.

John Howard

Taking a break is good, and please don’t with too hard and I hope you have a Happy New Year


Take it easy and have a nice new year's day!


Have a pleasant break my dude


You earned your break. Enjoy yourself!


Understood, thank you very much.


You've always made a bunch of quality content at a strong pace, but every artist knows you need to take it easy sometimes. So I hope this month helps you get your energy back. Take care.


Will do. I might use some of the downtime to catch up on a few shows and games that I missed during the year.


Rest up, your art is wonderful and enjoyable and will be glad to see your return at a later time :)


Take as much time as you need. Hope you enjoy your well deserved break.

Lonnie Gaylor

Hey buddy...Enjoy your break. Have some fun.^_^


Take it easy man! I'm taking a break too, hope we both get a lot out of it!