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It's Weiss's turn now to get some of that dakimakura treatment.

I'm really sorry I didn't post any art for a week. Between being a little unproductive and sinking a surprisingly large amount of time into this image just going back and reworking significant parts of it and making small tweaks, it ended up being a week where I feel I didn't get much done. I've been a bit stubborn to admit it because I didn't want to believe it myself but I have started to feel a little burnt out making art at the moment. Not too burnt out that I want to stop altogether though! I still very much want to keep working on and finish the current set of art requests that I have and I feel like it's something I can still aim to complete before this months end so that's gonna be something I'll keep shooting for.



Tyler Moore

Great work! It’s also totally understandable to take a break once in a while.

Sándor Balogh

If you are feeling burnt out, maybe take December off?


Looking quite divine, she is!


It looks great so I think the time put in paid off. If you're starting to feel some burnout then definitely feel free to take some time off. It's always better to do that than overwork yourself.


I'll probably have a little downtime when this set is done but it would be nice to do some christmas themed pics for the holiday season.


Thanks. It's reassuring to hear that it was worth the wait and I'm sure I'll be giving myself some downtime once I've finished the current set of requests.


Bigger tits and still not happy. This girl is impossible! Also, take a break when you gotta. Seeing your patreon count, I imagine your requests are out of control.


She's a hard one to please ;) I do have a lot more requests than I can manage but that's honestly mostly down to me biting off more than I can chew. I can't help myself when there's so many fun ideas out there that people are suggesting to me. It makes me want to try my best to draw as many of them as I possibly can.