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Jinx finds an interesting spot to keep a little Raven safe. 

I also did a version with just Jinx just in case you're interested solely in the Jinx booty.



Azahar Centeno

Looking FA-BUL-OOOOOUS~ mhmm mhmm mhmm mhmm mhmm. Girl, you work Raven out, you work that gorgeous BOOTIE of yours, and you EARN IT, baby! (*Snaps fingers three times, then with head gesture.*) Mhmmmm~.❤


Raven seems a lot more interested in other girls butts nowadays then showing off her own hehe


Yeah I've had some people interested in seeing Raven being on the receiving end of the booty treatment to which she's normally been the one giving it out.

Jinchuuriki Jay

You killed this one RavenRavenRaven. Exact content i like to see !


I hope my raven and Powergirl accidental wedgie from panthers idea isnt forgotten about.


Imagine if Raven uses her powers to make Jinx’s underwear drop. “Nice try, grasshopper.... Ugh, Garfield better not have heard me say that.”


That’s good, cause I think it could be a great sketch and a chance to finally show off some Powergirl booty.


This is amazing; I don’t mean to sound like a broken record, but your style is always tremendously improving each set that goes by, great work!


Thanks. I have been experimenting with doing some things just a little bit differently here and there as of late.


Blackfire definitely. Secondly I'd say Terra but I know you dont like to draw her but definitely Blackfire


Definitely need more of Jinx being big


:D :D :D


💞💞 more like this🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 please!!!!

Azahar Centeno

That's something that will have to wait. Goddess/Bootie/Tittie Jinx is an idea coming down the pike.


This looks amazing ❤


(Been a while since I did one of these) Jinx waited patiently as she heard the familiar footsteps come up from behind her. After so many times in recent years, she learned how Raven's walk sounded, and she went to prepare for the mystic's arrival. It took a little bit, but she soon saw the pale skinned, dark cloaked figure come into sight. "You were waiting for me." Raven noted in her cool, calm tone. Jinx only could smirk at this, knowing that the calm demeanor hid a more playful side that had emerged recently. "Well, by now I think I've figured out when you want to play." "Good girl." was Raven's reply, as she raised her hand with the dark magic glow. Jinx bit her lower lip as she watched Raven get the reduction spell ready, knowing that it was expected of her to be shrunken down. A snap of Jinx's finger at just the right moment would change all of that though. Raven didn't realize it at first, about to move over to the former villainess to begin her fun, but quickly realized something was wrong as she found herself having to crane her neck upwards at Jinx's body. "Jinx, what did..." "Oh, just changed the rules a little bit." She said with a smile, pulling out from under her outfit a strange looking object dangling from a chain. "Found this while you guys were busy. Apparently it increases a magic user's power on the day of a new moon, and guess what today is?" Raven gulped at this as she soon finished shrinking down, now not even tall enough to get past one of Jinx's platform shoes. She attempted to get away, having to go by foot as the nature of her spell blocked magic for the duration in exchange for increased durability, but only managed to get so far before she felt a pair of massive finger grab her body and lift her up. "Now now, little Raven. I didn't get a chance to have fun of you last time you were small when Starfire sat on you, so I'm taking this chance. We're still gonna have fun, but this time it's under MY rules." Jinx had to stifle a laugh as she heard Raven's tiny voice protest and felt her tiny body struggle in one hand, while with the other she pulled her tights down ever so slightly. Without another word, she casually dropped the tiny sorceress into the back of her tights, taking a moment to look back at Raven's attempts to get free. "See you soon for the next part of our games!" Jinx commented, waving to Raven before pulling up the tights, trapping her inside. She had to bite her lip to not moan out as she felt Raven squirming back there, heading to the bedroom area, with one thought on her mind. 'Will have to lick her silly after I wash her down.'


I wish I could see them reversed, Raven booty is good for the soul! On a sidenote, love the added "wrinkles" around Raven to show how tight that butt is and that Raven is actually pressed against it!


Nice stuff. I appreciate you coming up with another little story for these kinds of images. I thought it was nice that you even linked it back to a previous image I made where Raven was in a similar situation with Starfire.


Thanks for the nice words. Honestly, I just threw that all together on my lunch break since the idea came to mind when I saw the sketch. And yeah, I wanted to reference both the "Starfire sits on Raven while next to Jinx" picture...and in a way I referenced the most recent "Raven licks Tiny Jinx" picture by Jinx's plan at the end (which if you're ever up for it would be a fun turnaround I think, but no rush if you're not up for it).


I wonder what would happen to Raven when Jinx pulls her panties back up...


It was hell of a thing to put together on your lunch break. Having Jinx getting her licks on Raven is always something I could draw. I'll definitely keep that one noted down.