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Hey all. Here's the next set of art requests completed and ready to download in one convenient zip file. Well two zip files actually. I wasn't able to fit all the images under the 200mb limit so I made a separate file for the full size images that I've put on mega. 

We're in the spooky month now which means I'm gonna try and do some spooky themed requests for the occasion. You know me so you can expect some Demon Raven here and there. I still have an ever growing backlog of requests to draw from as well. You guys just keep coming up with things that I want to draw that I'm just going to have to accept that I'll never fully clear my backlog at this rate. 

In all seriousness though, I always appreciate all the ideas everyone comes up with. I know I tend to bite off more than I can chew but it's always because I genuinely like the ideas enough that they make me not want to pass up on doing them. It means I'm not able to draw everything in a timely manner but I'll always be looking forward to the moment that I will finally get to draw them and so as always I'm very thankful towards anyone who is willing to be patient with me during those times.

Update: Reuploaded the zips to include an updated version of the "Tight Squeeze (Raven)" image.
Full size images art dump  


CM Waters

While I do admit there are a bunch of ideas I've had that I would like to see you do sometime, I also respect your time and just enjoy what you have come out, and appreciate what you do (especially since I can't draw worth a damn). I will say, besides Demon Raven...if you have the inclination it would be fun to see some more girls in Halloween costumes (one silly one might be an "outfit swap" costume thing with Palutena and Starfire).

Mitch Rapp

I'm really looking forward to some demon Raven.


Thanks CM. Doing some outfit swap stuff would be fitting for Halloween and so Starfire trying on Palutena's outfit could be worth a try.


I'll still wait for Raven and Starfire making out naked, boobs pressed together and with their hands groping each other's butts...


Just give me Starfire and Raven in French maids outfit as there Halloween costumes!


Personally I'd love to see Raven in an incredibly floofy pretty princess dress, probably with Starfire telling her she looks adorable

Sándor Balogh

I'd like to see Starfire, Ryuko or Aqua get the Raven/Blake treatment and have the pleasure of crushing a city with their busts or butts


Dark aqua is pretty spooky and you could do the requests you already have of her if you wanna spooky them up

Matt R

I expect MILF Zone Tan would wear a very revealing costume for Halloween


Milf Zone Tan sounds too good. I've been wanting to draw that for a while now so I may even go with your suggestion.


Just hope you can do a pic with Blackfire making Starfire and Raven kiss.

Ichiro Houkou

I feel Raven would happily throw on a risque witch costume. Perhaps a long black dress with her cleavage on display, and a slit at the leg to show a spooky themed stocking. The image would consist of her sliding on said stocking with her fellow cast members securely snug against the top of the lace, right up against her soft thigh. Perhaps one titan would have the privilege of riding around in her cleavage? I'd leave that up to you ;D Happy Spooktober!


Yeah I'd love to do a witch costume like that for Raven. I think it would work well being both a regular pic and a sizeplay pic like you've described too.


I'd be interested in that. It would be a fun way to include Blackfire in a pic that already involves Raven and Starfire.

Azahar Centeno

Sometimes you do need a friendly reminder that someone asks for specific ideas too, but for us to wait, and see that you’re doing our ideas certainly is worth the wait.


What if The KH girls went as each other for halloween? Aqua in Kairi's kh1 clothes, Kairi in Aqua's. Your art is so good! Also I sent you a note on DA about maybe doing a collab. Love your stuff! 😍