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What happens when Starfire meets an older, curvier version of herself? This apparently. I ended up changing the drawings for the side panels a bit compared to the ones seen in the sketches just so they better matched what the requester wanted to see in this pic. Overall this was a really interesting one to draw!



Matt R

Paradoxical selfcest has never been so hot

CM Waters

Truly loving one's self here. :) *Wondering if we'll see others in this series...or is Starfire the only one brave enough to try.


I support more older versions of star and raven interacting with the younger versions.


This is spicy🔥🔥🏆 definitely explore more on this concept. I think be fun. Maybe the retro outfit on the older character.


Holy Damn!


Yes the retro outfits were less modest. Starfire use walk around in a bikini and Raven..Sultry Elvra with with legs and thighs and bootay to behold.

Tyler Moore

Raven wearing a dominatrix outfit would look cool if you drew it, just something new for raven


BIG fan. Didn't realize I needed this until now 😍😍


Is there an ETA on we could get the next High Rez drop? Need that clear ass zoom 😂


More mature, bustier, curvier versions of Raven and Starfire would be amazing to see! This is great.


Old Starfire: My own clone! New Starfire: Now neither of us will be virgins! That booty is amazing!


You keep getting better and better at curves. This is high quality cheesecake.


I thought one of those was Blackfire....


Well now that’s certainly one way of “loving yourself”! Looks great! 😉👍👌

John Howard

So would this count as lesbianism or masturbation?


So... think you'd do one with a similar scenario involving Raven/older Raven or Jinx/Older Jinx?