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Raven and Blackfire learn that wide hips can be really dangerous on a much larger scale. Well maybe just Raven learns this. I get the feeling Blackfire already knew.



Azahar Centeno

(*On the ground, having a SPASM, epileptic Attack due to the sheer level of sexy being presented.*) 😱🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩😵 Too... damn... sexy...

CM Waters

*Tries to decide which new world to go to...Planet RavenButt or Planet BlackFireButt...

Azahar Centeno

Oh great, I somehow made a “debate” as to where one intends to live after their playtime! O:


I always knew we would die due to Dat Ass.....but what a way to go (▨_▨¬)▨-▨¬ლ(•_•)

Azahar Centeno

You’re welcome. (I say that, as it was my idea... but RRR made it better.)


Could we also see a starfire version on as well?


A perfect end. 😎


I've never wanted to be a planet more in my life...

Azahar Centeno

I went with a Blackfire original request - but to sweeten the deal, I also suggested with a Raven Alternative. I requested Blackfire, because on another post, RRR mentioned that Blackfire needed some love her way, and I had it upon myself to give her something. RRR went with the idea, and instead of Blackfire or Raven doing it, he instead opted for BOTH, and viola. He made my request better. As for a Starfire version, I'm up for the idea myself. But RRR has the final say.


Any chance of an alternate version akin to the other Blackfire pictures?

Iruma Mob 100

I really like seeing Blackfire and Raven in the same picture like this. They really fit together ^^


I get the feeling you have a thing for Amazonian women

Azahar Centeno

Who... are you referring that toward? -.- Me? or RRR? Cause... I was the one that requested the picture myself, and I'm personally into Omni-sized Macrophilia personally. ^-^

Azahar Centeno

Thank RRR for the improvement over my original idea. That, and he pulled it off too. ^-^


Jesus H. Christ, Raven is looking ultra thicc in this. And that's amazing.

Azahar Centeno

I’m the one The Who holds the responsibility for that honor, as that was my request amongst them... in the guilty party in this one.


The bigger and curvier, the better.


I guess there are worse ways to have a mass extinction event XD