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The spree of titty monsters continues. This time with Weiss getting a little touchy feely with a busty Ruby.




So divine! Nice little piece of White Rose, maybe next time Weiss has a growth spurt and Ruby returns the favor?


This looks so cute! Also, you helped Ruby go from A to BOOBALICIOUS, perhaps Weiss and Blake would like your "procedure".


Yeah I don't blame her <3 Great job dude, would not say not to seeing some more RWBY from ya :3 Maybe some Emerald too? xD

Matt R

So, tiddy monster Yang next?


Goddamn Patreon emails didn't TELL ME ABOU TTHIS ONE. FUCK


D'aw Its so hard for me to look at them in this light as I really genuinely love RWBY characters. Its still great in the level of quality, I would love to see you do a image of Pyrrha Nikos eventually if that would be in your wheelhouse of interest? PN is by far my favorite when talking non-RWBY members but would love to see more RWBY in general!


Now we just need Yang and Blake in a similar situation (Blake of course being the one feeling up Yang's even more enormous chesticles or face deep between her HUGE tracks of land).


That's would be redundant with Yang xD but yeah I could attempt a Yang with even more boobage.


If I do happen to give any more characters the busty treatment then I'm likely to do it for Weiss next (: