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Raven let out a heavy sigh. Even though she had agreed to this silly little idea she still couldn’t believe she was actually doing it; but frankly, she was out of ideas. Beast Boy had shrunk ages ago, and ever since then she’d tried everything she could grow the little green pest back. Spells. Hexes. Trips to alternate dimensions. Scientific methods. Shapeshifting. Nothing worked. She was at her wit’s end. That was the only reason she ever would’ve listened to one of Beast Boy’s ideas; and what an idea it was. The sort of idiotic, hair-brained thought that could only come from him.

Maybe a little smooch’ll do the trick. Eh? Eh??? You know…True love’s kiss? That’s totally a magic thing right?”

It was quite possibly the single stupidest thing Raven had ever heard, and she agreed to it. So what did that say about her?

Even she herself didn’t really know why she agreed to it, honestly. Maybe she felt bad for him. Maybe she was just as desperate as he was. Maybe she was just bored. Whatever the reason was, it was too late to back down now. She found herself back in her room, towering over him despite resting on her knees.

He made for a curious little sight, admittedly. From where she stood he better resembled a strange sort of bug than a person, aided in no small part by his skin tone. For the man who never showed doubt and never shut up, Beast Boy appeared strangely quiet and unsure of himself. Raven didn’t have to wonder why. As small and frankly weak as he seemed from on high, the opposite held true for her. She could only imagine what a monolithic, overwhelming figure she must’ve looked like from down below.

Let’s just get this over with.

Steeling herself with a deep Breath, Raven leaned in and braced herself with her hands on either side of the smaller Titan. She moved faster than she had planned, startling him as each palm crashed very suddenly against the floor. Evidently with enough force to knock Beast Boy off balance. It was admittedly almost  kind of cute seeing him stumble before her. Almost. Of course that did nothing to stop her from giving him exactly what he had asked for. In a single motion Raven descended and her lips completely enveloped the little green man, pinning him to the floor.

She wasn’t sure what she expected honestly, but in truth it felt less like kissing Beast Boy and more like kissing the carpet and there just happened to be a tiny person in the way. Beast Boy was hardly a presence. His small body sank into the voluptuousness of Raven’s lips, rising and falling with every move she made. She detected what felt like half-hearted attempts at resisting her; not that they accomplished anything. Nor was the kiss. Beast Boy wasn’t growing back. This was a waste of time; and yet…she couldn’t deny there was something a little fun in his squirms beneath her. It was almost a little disappointing that the moment had to come to an end, but all things had to. Raven broke off the kiss, her head pulling back and releasing a jumbled Beast Boy back to the floor.

All it had taken was a single kiss to reduce the man to little more than a panting heap. As effortless as it was for her, it had evidently taken a great deal out of him. He struggled to move, his expression locked into a dopey, satisfied grin as he muttered something Raven couldn’t quite hear. Her eyes lingered on his diminutive form, deep in thought as she mulled on the strange satisfaction that came with overpowering him. Despite herself, Raven felt something well within her - a hunger of sorts you could call it - and she may’ve just found the perfect little morsel to sate that craving. She found her tongue poking out almost of its own accord, tracing sensuously across her soft lips. That was the only warning Beast Boy had before she pounced, faster and stronger than before.

Her tongue forced the little figure against the carpet, his desperate and frantic attempts to resist doing little more than tickle her. Raven fought against a smirk lifting the edges of her lips as she breathed and felt Beast Boy shudder beneath her, his body helplessly caught in her embrace as she relished this long, meaningful lick. For all his bravado and machismo, he was helpless. Little more than a snack caught in the embrace of her tongue as it slowly lifted, Beast Boy far too tired, surprised, and stunned to realize where he was going until it was already too late.

Raven allowed herself a slight chuckle that rattled across her prey’s helpless body. The kiss may’ve been for Beast Boy, but this? This was for her.


That nice short written piece you read there was once again done by Asterisk. They kindly offered to write a few paragraphs for this strip and I dig their style a lot so it was a no brainer for me to say yes. And well... it looks like one thing lead to another for them because they ended up writing a whole lot more than just a few paragraphs in the end. And so I'm really thankful for them lending their talent like this. They do a lot of written size content so feel free to check em out and follow them on their Twitter or DeviantArt if that sort of thing catches your interest.

And also sorry for taking so long to get this strip done. And it's only the first part of it too! Unfortunately I got hit with a motivational/art block for a while but I've slowly but surely been getting that creative drive back so stay tuned. There's still more to come in this strip (including the other strips that I've started before this one as well! I haven't forgotten about those ones either).




I need more of this storytelling to go with pics. I want a full fic of Big Raven/smol beast boy!!!

Mercy Frey

Always a treat to see some mouthplay in your art! Beastboy is certainly getting more than he bargained for, but at least now Raven can get some more enjoyment out of his request haha. I absolutely loved the little story to go along with the art! They would both be amazing on their own, but together it makes them both even better! :) Big thanks to Asterisk and ofc to you RRR!


I'll see if I can get Asterisk to write any more short stories to go along with my pics lol. I'm really glad you liked their story. They're really good at what they do.


Beast Boy always knows how to push his luck like that lol. And happy to hear you liked the story too! Asterisk really went above and beyond with it.