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Howdy Folks,
Some unexpected delays hit me this month but I think I am now back on track.  I was going to post the sequence "Hard Heart, Soft Flesh" but there are a few drawings I want to spruce up first.   I don't want to post anything that I don't feel is my absolute best, so that work is definitely arriving here on Patreon in December.  I am happy to say there will be new pages of Cursed, Bro House, and The Loner, which were also delayed due to some other projects.  I have some other sequences that will be making their premiere here on Patreon, including an Evangelion-themed sequence, a reverse furry transformation TG, an elf TG sequence, and other fine strangeness. 

I hope everyone has been having a fine holiday season.  Things have been patchy on my end, including a horrible bout of insomnia, but I am still standing.


Douglas C. Fowler

I can relate on the insomnia condition. In my case it seemed like a cool thing at first. Wide awake at 3:30 am was great to do small projects that I was not finishing. Soon however tiredness was all I felt during the day at work. It took a few months to get back to healthier sleep schedules but it is easier than I thought it would be.