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Howdy Folks,
I just want to wish everyone a cool and crazy Halloween.  I have a number of things on the plate for November.  I promise to finally post for you all the "Hard Heart, Soft Flesh" sequence I have sitting in reserve.  I was going to get it up this month but, given it's over 60 drawings, I ran out of time to get it all scanned in and ready to go.  I am setting aside time in November specifically for seeing that the sequence makes its appearance here on Patreon.  I also will have a new page of "The Loner" and more "Cursed".  I also have a Wednesday-themed sequence, a Barbarian-themed sequence, and some other TG sequences in the works.  Needless to say, there is gonna be a whole lot of gender bending going on in November!



Cursed, Cursed, Cursed! ❤️