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Howdy Folks,

I hope you all have had a great April.  Mine hasn't ended so well, as I had to go to the hospital.  I'm at my parents' home recovering from a severe case of gastritis.   I have been suffering some of the most severe pain in my life but I am (hopefully) improving.

I wish to thank you all for supporting me.  In particular, I want to show a deep appreciation for the Patrons of the Strange Arts tier.  Usually, I would do so with an accompanying drawing but recent events have made creating one difficult.   Next month, I will continue with the drawings for patrons of the Strange Arts tier.  In fact, rather than do an ongoing sequence, I will do a special sketch each month commemorating the Patrons of the Strange Arts.

I want to thank BB, Teysia, AlaiaVee, Nathan Racher, Not Zack for Work, SD, Aposematic, Adam Gonzalez, Dazedwere, George Soto, Ken, Alex, Bimbo_Shaggins, Kingfaraday, Saruk, PTCardinal, Mr. J, Maddie McGee, Cody Schalue, Spacix, Freelancer, Alpha 01, and Tim.  You all are amazing people and I am deeply grateful for your support.



I'm so sorry to hear about your health issues Zoe. I hope you're feeling better soon.

Alex Fellman

I can't be bothered to check my level, but I hope buying a commission helped you out, Smooch. :) Do better, girl. We're rooting for you.