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Howdy Folks,

I'm planning on trying out something new here on my Patreon and I thought I'd like to pass it by you (no, this is not an April Fool's joke).  I'm considering changing my Patreon a bit until I've got my workload lightened up.  I'm going to do a series of 2 to 4 brief sequences a month starting in May.  These sequences will be created by the suggestions of Patrons and voted on by the patrons of the $3 or higher tiers.  Each sequence will be simple 4 to 8 drawings long and will not be epic-sized like previous Special Request Line sequences but will largely reflect what patrons would like to see. 

I will have a steady rotation of four sequences: 

1. Anything Goes (patrons can suggest anything they want)

2. Themed (patrons can suggest something based on a theme I suggest)

3. Mr. Fugly (Fugly changes into a specific character or an ongoing series of characters)

4.  A mystery sequence of my own making.

The suggestions can be provided by any patron, I select up to five of my favorites, patrons of the $3 or higher tiers can vote on which one they prefer, and the winning vote is drawn for all to see (except Fugly which will only be for $3 or higher patrons).

Besides those sequences, I will be posting previews of works done elsewhere, a new page of The Loner, a special shout out to the Patrons of the Strange Arts tier, and Bro House.  Other older features, like the Special Request Line and Cursed, will resume but it may be some time until I've gotten through my backlog and current projects.  

I've also got some long-term sequences in the works, like a Barbarian-themed sequence involving TG and age regression, as well as a few sequences I have sitting on my desk ready for scanning and posting when I get the time, such as "Hard Heart, Soft Flesh" and "The Fantasy Machine".

I'm open to suggestions or thoughts and will seriously consider each one.  My hope is to have something that will create more content and allow me to get through other work and projects as well.

Thank you for your time and patronage.


Robert Louis Stoll

I've probably been missing a lot because I refuse to even go on DeviAIart so I approve of more content over here.


Sounds like fun I’m down!


I welcome more content here and miss community voted sequences. On the topic of the long-term sequences: can we get some previews of the halloween party? Cheers was great and I cant wait to see who get to go next.


What are the sequences The Fantasy Machine and HHSF about ?

yo momma

Hope to see heart hearts soft flesh this month, been super eager to see it lol