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Howdy folks,

My apologies for the slim content the past few months.  It's due to a variety of factors, including a hellacious battle with anxiety, insomnia, and fatigue.  I took a vacation earlier this month but I've been furiously drawing ever since.  I love detail and don't feel right if the art I produce isn't the best representation of what I can produce.

I'm excited to say that the writer for the comic "Bro House", Josh Eiserike, has completed the script for the first issue of the comic "Bro House".  It's the story of a fraternity that, through most unusual means, is changed into a sorority.  I've started production on the comic and it's my hope that next month will feature exclusively on my Patreon the first page of the comic.  It will be in black in white initially but, as you can see in the image above, we plan on having it colored eventually.  The comic will be an ongoing feature on this site.

I've got other things in works as well, including a college-themed Fugly sequence, Loner, Cursed, Cosplayed Out, the Special Request Line, and a barbarian sequence I've been working on for a long time now.

Thanks for following my work all this time, your supportive comments, and your patronage.



Skippy Hugo

Finally, some good effing food.