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Howdy Folks,
I hope you're all warm and doing well, despite the cold weather.  I've got a number of things coming up next month.  It's been rough pulling myself together this year due to poor physical and mental health.  Nonetheless, I love producing work for you all and I'm so lucky to have you all as patrons.   Drawing beautiful women, whether they used to guys or not, is a pure delight for me and you all give me a great excuse to do that.  For that, I'm truly grateful.

I've been having difficulties getting the next page of Cursed completed.  It's planned out and I've completed a hefty chunk of it but it won't be ready until next month.  I don't want to be one of those artists who milk people for cash with little in return, so I feel terrible about the delay in the comic.  If anyone wants a refund, let me know.  My plan is the following: if I don't finish the page next month, I'm closing the Cursed tiers.  It's just not fair to my patrons to not provide the comic they're paying for.  My deepest apologies for the delays.

I'll also finally be posting the sequence "Hard Heart, Soft Flesh".  I finished it months ago but life has made finding the time to scan the rather sizable sequence difficult.  I also will have  new Fugly sequence and the Special Request Line, the Loner, among some other surprises.

Thank you for all the joy you've bringing me with your support and comments!


baron sin

I will keep supporting as long as my finances allow it :)


you’re an absolute rockstar, hope this coming month fares well for you! 🤘✨