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Howdy Folks,

I hope you are all doing well.  My apologies for the lateness of content.    I'm a slow methodical artist at the best of times.  While I'm no Matisse, I strive for the greatest quality in my art I can produce, and this can be a time-consuming venture.  Nonetheless, this has been a truly hard year for me.   I've been struggling with depression, sleeping difficulties, and the loss of my brother and it's been difficult.  I've never experienced depths like this before. Nonetheless, I'm drawing everyday and working for fresh new content for all of you.  I've almost finished the next Fugly sequence and an all-new sequence "Hard Heart, Soft Flesh". There's more "Cursed", the "Special Request Line sequence, "Loner" and more waiting in the wings.  With the exception of "Soft Flesh", these are all regular features of my Patreon and, while they may not be flowing out consistently, I'm working hard on these things and for you to see.   

I know there are some people who milk their patrons for everything and give back little in return.  I don't want to be one of those artists and I hope you enjoy the work I've been putting out.  I don't want to take any of your for granted.  

Thank you for your patronage and patience and support.  Lastly, thank you for giving me so much blasted fun producing new content for you see.   You've all been great to me.

I want to wish you all a fabulous New Years and I hope 2022 is a great one for all of you.



have a wonderful new years and thanks for another year of terrific art! excited for all of these future projects!!

Mr. J

Happy New Year!

Erin Brioche (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-13 09:19:25 Happy New Year <3
2022-01-01 14:46:15 Happy New Year <3

Happy New Year <3