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I'm planning on drawing another bimquito sequence and I could use your help.  I'd like to do a sequence where a person gets bitten by the bimquito and it ends up as some kind of karma, punishment, or revenge.  In other words, a person gets bitten and transforms into a woman in a fitting manner and receives her just deserts.  If there are enough suggestions, I'll put it up for a poll.

Thank you for any suggestions and your votes.



A swindling and controlling ceo gets bitten and turns into a maid or maybe a computer hacker/troll becomes some sort of influencer.

baron sin

this may be a bit different from what you usually do but how about a Buff Jock that's looking down on women for eating sweets and being a bit on the chubby side? He gets bitten and turns either into a skinny girl with no muscle at all, or a voluptuous woman that's on the chubby side? ^^ Edit: If chubby it could result in the woman he insulted repeating his phrase back at the newly transformed girl

Skippy Hugo

Husband gets bitten after shaming his sister-in-law for her "liberated" look.


I have a silly idea that may also work as an early Christmas theme. The Grinch steals Christmas, only to be bitten. He then turns into an attractive Mrs. Claus who then gives the Whos back their presents.


Job competitor gets rid of his successor thanks to... Gets a new hot secretary


ooh troll to influencer, that’s great!

Karen W. Fox

A young man is "lectured" on the evils of sex and promiscuity based on his clothes and haircut by a only slightly older evangelist. The evangelist gets bitten, changes, and begins chasing after the young man.


A bit of a dark suggestion but... A man is bitten as he is about to sexually assault a girl

Erin Brioche

A guy leaves patronising advice on cosplayers' photos/projects and/or insinuations they don't know much about the source material. Ends up appreciating how much technical knowhow goes into building a cosplay