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Before it evaporated between his thickening thighs, it gave out last squirt, excited by the new sensations of the soft folds of flesh hanging from his body.

PS Not sure if people are into more graphic content but here it is.



baron sin

Definitely into this kinda thing too ^^ amazingly drawn :D

Skippy Hugo

I like the graphics


cant stress enough how awesome the graphic stuff you do is (like the girlytail piece). I'm a big fan and I think so are many others! MOAR LIEK DIS :D


moreso the graphic depiction of the physical transformation; the erection transforming into a vagina and the orgasm etc. It's especially cool/novel and when the labia/vagina forms around the penis and then it fucks its way inside w/o shrinking (or the new pussy consumes it depending on how you look at it) instead of just shrinking into nothing, which is what you typically see :D


I am always down to see whatever graphic content, be it physical transformations or sex, that you want to throw our way!