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I regret to inform you that my brother committed suicide and I'm just crushed.  I hope to get back to you all in a few weeks but I just can't create anything right now.  I realize you're not a charity, so I don't expect any of you to stay subscribed.  Please let me know if any of you wish for a refund.  I hope I can make it through this.  My brother and I lived together and we were practically twins.  I love him dearly.  He was my world.  

I hope to speak with you all soon.

Take care.



Fuck, I'm really sorry for you :( And of course I'll stay subscribed. Patreon is in the first place to support artists.


All my condolences to you for your loss. I can't even begin to imagine how awful this is...

Skippy Hugo

So sorry to hear that. Take as much time as you need.


Deep condolences. I'm really sorry for your loss.


So sorry to hear about your loss!! That is really horrible. I will stay subscribed, take as long as you need to recover.


Oh my gosh Zoe. I have no words. I’m so sorry this happened.

baron sin

My condolences. I'm here to stay for when you return :) But please take all the time you need.


You have my heartfelt condolences for what happened. Please do what you need to recover. We'll be waiting when you're ready.


Dont worry about it. Take all the time you need

Jim Moriarty

Take all of the time you need. That is a terrible loss that nobody should have to face.

Brian Thomas

I’m still here my friend. Take it one day at a time.

David Stewart

it is at times like this that we all need as much support as we can get, and i for one will be her for yyou

Erin Brioche

I'm so sorry to hear that. :( I'll stay subbed; I wasn't expecting a certain level of content anyway.


Extremely sorry to hear about your brother. I'm not going anywhere. Take your time


Oh no :( so sorryz, I just can't imagine what you live right now. Please take your time and stay strong during that terrible and hard time. Sending to you many positive tought !


I'm so sorry to hear that. I just can imagine how it feels to lose a human being you grew up with and got older for multiple decades. The closest I expierenced myself so far was my dog getting put to sleep. (I didn't have a close relationship to my grandparents). But yea... even that got me emotionally really hard. Me and I guess everyone else here wants to let you know that you're worth a lot just like your brother was. Suicide is always a easy way out but it's worth so much putting up a fight and getting through difficult times because there's many people who absolutely love you as a person and your art. Robbing yourself of your existence isn't fair to you, your parents who raised you (hopefully) and everyone who knows and likes you. I'm pretty sure most if not everyone will stay subscribed during your break. Take your time, maybe go to the cinema, meet friends or family or whatever feels comfortable to you to distract you a little bit from everything. When you need someone to talk feel free to PM me. You can also join my Discord if you like, we got a few artists there already. Just hit me up.

Robert Louis Stoll

Oh. I'm so sorry. That's terrible. Keep the money. In fact I might raise my pledge. My thoughts to you and your family. I just wish there was even more I could do :/

Sara Smith

Jesus, you have my condolences and rest assured I won't be stopping my payments anytime soon.


I'm so sorry for your loss and truly hope that you'll get through this. Please stay strong. I will be here when you come back and I'm sure others will as well. Take you time.


I am very sorry to hear about your loss, take all the time you need. I will continue to stay subscribed


I'm so sorry. Sending so much love and light your way!!! I'm definitely staying subscribed. Please don't worry about anything except mourning and your own mental health. We love you! ♥️♥️♥️


I am very sorry for you loss Zoe. Take all the time you need and if you ever need to talk feel free to reach out.


I am so sorry for your loss Zoe. Take as much time as you need. Stay well and we’ll be here whenever you come back.


I am so sorry to hear this. Please don't feel bad for having to take time to deal with your loss. Your mental health is far more important at this time. Everyone here understands you're going through an incredible loss, and no one is going to be mad at you for taking the necessary time to yourself to grieve and process. Take all the time you need, and we will be here when you feel comfortable enough to return, no matter how long that might be.


Oh geez. I will send all my condolences to both you and your brother. I will stay subscribed to you to help you out.

Cezar Nix

I am so sorry for your loss, Zoe. Please take whatever time you need; many of us aren't going anywhere.


I'm sorry for your loss. I can't imagine how hard that is.

Naughty Koonago

Oh God, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I won''t be unsubbing you. Take care of you and yours.


I'm so sorry for your loss... please take as much time to take care of yourself and know that we all care for you.


Oh, I'm so sorry to hear this. You don't need to produce - I understand loss of family and the toll it brings on your imagination, your creativity, your drive. Go, be well, heal yourself, and when you're ready to create, we'll be here. As with others, I'm not unsubbing. Just...please, talk to us every once in a while, even if its to get frustration, anger, or grief out. Okay?


Wishing you the best. You are an inspiration and please know that you are deeply appreciated.


Sincerest Condolences on what is a devastating loss. Please focus on your well-being. It will take time but I'm certain the good memories and moments you had with your brother will be how you remember and honour him.

Madison Anderson

Oh Zoe! I’m so very sorry. I will keep my subscription as well. Take the time you need to grieve

Bob Karcher

I am so sorry for your loss! I can't imagine what you're going through right now. Take as long as you want; we'll be here for you when you come back.


I am so sorry for your loss


Also would like to send sincere condolences for your loss, Zoe. Please take as much time as necessary to grieve. Your own well-being and your family's well-being are always paramount.

Alpha 01

I'm truly sorry for your loss, please take your time and stay safe.

William Kelley

My deepest condolences. I see no issue in continuing my support towards you.


There is nothing I can say to make this better, so I'll just try to cover what hadn't been said. Being angry at him for leaving is not the same as not loving him. Wanting to cry is not the same as wishing you weren't close. However you need to grieve, let yourself do so. This will suck, and I am sorry you will experience this. Good luck, remember you are loved, and we'll be here when you've found how to carry this weight.

Giulio Gaetano Rivera

Best wishes and hope you'll be able to pull through, please don't worry about Patreon, at least on my part.


I'm so sorry for your loss. My sinceres condoleances


Deepest condolences, can’t imagine what you’re going through take all the time you need. I won’t be unsubbing and I’m sure most will not either.

Brandon Booth

I am so incredibly sorry. I know the words of a ranger on the internet is not worth much, but I do hope you take the time to take care of your self. Do what ever it is you need to do and take however long that you need to.


This is terrible news. I'm so sorry.

Rune Blacksin

Ouch that sucks to have happened hope u get better soon and i know i and probs a number of other fans feel for u and ur loss.