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Howdy Folks,

Now that I've been breaking down sequences into smaller pieces and placing them in the same post, I just want to make certain that patrons are seeing the images clearly.  Are people seeing the drawings properly or are they blurry or difficult to make out?

Thanks for any input!



Yes. I can see them just fine.


It‘s fine. Smaller pages are much better on tablets. A page could have even less images. Maybe 4 to 8.


Yes, I can see them fine


Yes. All clear and fine.


So far so good!

tim (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-26 05:52:11 the resolution on mobile looks much higher & clearer than it’s been before, especially with the long sequences. for example i remember the sherlock sequence in the past definitely seemed to be down-rezzed (?) but not sure if that was a mobile thing
2021-07-18 12:24:06 the resolution on mobile looks much higher & clearer than it’s been before, especially with the long sequences. for example i remember the sherlock sequence in the past definitely seemed to be down-rezzed (?) but not sure if that was a mobile thing

the resolution on mobile looks much higher & clearer than it’s been before, especially with the long sequences. for example i remember the sherlock sequence in the past definitely seemed to be down-rezzed (?) but not sure if that was a mobile thing