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Howdy Folks,

Here's your opportunity to suggest an idea for a sequence and see it drawn by yours truly.  I'll toss out a theme or topic and you can suggest an idea for a sequence.   I take my five favorite suggestions and put it up for a poll.  Those who currently donate $3 or more on my Patreon can vote in that poll and the winner will be the sequence I'll end up drawing.  Everyone will get to see the result.

The theme for this month is "Star Wars".  You can suggest any kind of sequence as long as it involves Star Wars.  Shrinking Leia.  A TGed Vader. The Galaxy is the limit!

Thanks to everyone for participating!



I’d like to see Luke Skywalker TGed into Mara Jade!

Erin Brioche

A human Jedi (of any gender) to a Twi'lek (still a Jedi, mind you).


Luke and Leia switch body through and Sith artifact in a Sith temple


I've been dying to see a man to a pregnant ahsoka tano like honestly it's been on my mind for a decade now


Mann wird in ein Bordell besuch dank der Chefin nicht mehr der Kunde sein!!!😄 hätte er sich halt benommen das A...


Thanks to the boss, you will no longer be a customer in a brothel !!! 😄 may he just dazed the A ...


Jabba the Hutt consciously turning into Leia in the slave outfit!

Maddie McGee

I love the idea of theming these things, so I'd like to give a thumbs up for that. As for my idea... How about Jabba the Hutt turning into a female Twi'lek dancer?


Ahsoka Tano and Barriss Offee getting stung by the Bimquito.


what about a guy tg'ing into Ahsoka (either her as of the final arc of CW season 7 or Rebels, AR for the former perhaps)?

James Wutrich

Yoda using the force to turn into a space Hooters waitress! jedi masters need money too!

Alpha 01

If its star wars related, how about Han Solo being tgtf into a Twilek slave girl for Jabba, working off his debt by dancing.


Alternate telling of Luke and Leia's run through the Death Star, but getting hit with an experimental age regression setting on a stormtrooper's gun. The regress fully into toddlers that can be raised in the ways of the Dark Side.


The Mandalorian turns into a 50s-styled mother.

Joe Blue

Mara Jade and Leia getting shrunk, with some breast growth, due to a Sith artifact

Mr. Mayhem

The Emperor TG into Twi'lek or any kind of young female human species or otherwise.

Wayne Walls

Han, Luke and Leia bitten by the Bimbo bug or getting the bimboflu

Mr. Domino

Just for something a bit different, R2-D2, C3P0, and IG-11 (from The Mandalorian) go into the wrong droid upgrade center and get turned into sexy, Human Replica Droid, or in this case more like Organic Replica Droids. I'm thinking probably have a variety like a female Twi-Lek, Togruta/Ahsoka's species, and a human.


Any male character turning into Mara Jade!

Mr. Domino

You ARE aware that this prompt is for STAR WARS, right? And that this isn't a 'request a personal art sequence', right? This is Ms. Crockett asking for ideas that specific to a set theme, which is very clearly NOT about video games.


How about Rey using the force to turn herself into a bimbo?


Nioh 😍😍😍😍1

André dos Santos

In Knights of the Old Republic there is a cheat that can be used during the final boss fight, where the protagonist, Revan, can turn Darth Malak into a Twi’lek dancer. My suggestion is that instead of just turning Malak into a dancing Twi’lek, it turns both of them into two Twi’lek dancers.

Mr. J

Alternate universe where Palpatine turns Luke to the dark side by turning him into Mara Jade.