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I do this polling from time to time but I like to know what you all out there enjoy the most.  Thank you so much for your participation and your patronage.  Feel free to comment and let me know if there are specific sub-categories of each you'd love to see.



Easy choice: TG ;)


AR is my fav. I also like TG, TF, SW, and got some fondness for casual nudity or clothing malfunction. :D


TG and animal/anthro.


The shrinking ^^


TG for sure! But you know the best kind of TG transformation? The one where the subject does it themself, like if they were Mystique or Mr. Fugly 😜


My favorites are the Mr Fugly sequences where he becomes a series of progressively hotter women -- I'd LOVE to see another of those!

Mr. Domino

I'm voting for ALL OF THEM. I really just enjoy TG/TF stuff overall so long as it remains clean and fun. But I am going to go on record and say that out of the listed choices I would say that AR is my least favorite because it just treads really close to the line of 'this shouldn't be legal'. Especially if it involves anyone under the age of 18. Plus generally infantilization ends with dirty diapers and diaper changing which for me, is just gross. I've unfortunately seen way too many things that devolve into scat-play and it's just not content I'm looking for.

Mr. Mayhem

TG/SW for me


Seconded. I like to see people becoming tiny women, even when they weren't women to begin with.

Naughty Koonago

I love shrinking the most, but combo's are pretty cool.