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Oddly enough, Ethel and Angie were banned from the beach from that point on!  Oh, The Coven is going to have a fit!

Part One:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/dude-part-one-39282380?cid=40291628 



Erin Brioche

There are worse punishments.


Lol at the boiiing ass fill. That upper body realignement was freaky! Oo Nice touch with him still liking womens, so he really ended up in the same situation as the lesbians he was being moronic with. And in the end, it's just temporary, so a good lesson. :P


Lets hope she's off by an order of magnitude and its a couple of years! I really enjoy the sound effects you put in these, theyre great!

Wayne Walls

Great sequence. I wish it happened to me