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Howdy Folks,

Today is Patron Appreciation Day and I just want to say I'm deeply grateful for you all.  I've been sick for more than three weeks and I'm still going through a hellish recovery.  I've been largely bed-ridden with limited interactions on the internet.  Nonetheless, I'm striving to get better and wanted to post something today.

Thank you for sticking with me.   I don't take your patronage for granted.  I don't have any right to your support, which is I why I'm so grateful to all of you that continue supporting me and have sent me notes and emails asking how I'm doing.  

For those that haven't sent me what they'd like me to draw this month, it's my hope that you will, as it helps me keep track of the work I owe people.  Plus, it's just fun.  I'm recovering but rest assured, I will draw what I owe you and I look forward to producing more art for you all.

I've got a lot in the works and I'm shooting to produce a new Cursed page by the end of the month.  I'm working on exclusive art and sequences, as well.

Thanks, everybody.  :)


Erin Brioche

Thank YOU for doing the art! ^_^


You're very welcome. ;) Have a good recovery!


Hey, you just focus on getting well. I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say that your health is more important than anything. You publish when you publish. We'll be here. :)

Rune Blacksin

Glad to hear ur still around and my friend gave me a wonderful idea if u need any monthly requests or ideas, we all know about the blueberry tf/inflation gag well my idea request is simply a fruit tf of pharah from overwatch if u want to try it (fruit of ur choice im not picky and i know ur art is awesome all the time hence my most of the time lurking here) again its only if u want to do it. Hope u continue to get better and may ur nights be restful/pleasant!