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Thomas craned his neck and peered around the corner into the girl's shower room.  

The sorority girls of Chi Chi Chi were renowned for their beauty.  Not surprisingly, many of the school's cheerleaders for the college's football team originated from the place.  It was a prestigious chapter of the sorority, renown throughout the country.  Many fraternities and sororities held their own legends and odd traditions but Chi Chi Chi was rumored to have some of the strangest.  There were whispers that it was run by a coven of witches and that it had strange initiation rituals like shrinking initiates down and testing them if they were worthy.

Obviously, Thomas thought such rumors were ridiculous nonsense but the business about the women of Chi Chi Chi being gorgeous was not.  He could see several of the young women as they showered, their bodies near perfect with perky and round asses.  The girls chatted about the new restaurant downtown and how the food sucked but Thomas largely ignored their words.  His eyes fixated on their forms as they twisted from one way to the next to wash the suds off of their bodies.   Their breasts swayed every so gently and were flawless.  Thomas couldn't believe his eyes.  He wished he had brought his iPhone with him to record the sight he was seeing.

It was then that he felt a hand on his shoulder.  He was caught!  He flinched and tried to get up to run away but, strangely, he found he couldn't move.  He glanced rapidly at who had him pinned in a kneeling position and was shocked by the figure standing over him!  It was a petite blond woman who looked to be in her early 20's, a foot shorter than he was, and naked from head to toe.

She smiled at him.

"Hey, girls!  Look at Bashful over here," she said, yelling at the girls in the shower.

The women in the shower room quickly turned around and walked up to him.  Thomas was terrified.  They didn't appear shocked, terrified, or appalled.  As they gathered around him, he was sure they were about to call the campus security.  He could be expelled or, worst, thrown in jail!  What if his mom found about this!?

Normally, this would be a dream come true for him.  A virgin surrounded by a small crowd of young, beautiful, and completely naked women.  But now he had no chance of escape and he sagged into the floor helpless.

"What are you doing out here?" said the blond.  Thomas couldn't utter a word.  There was no excuse he could conjure up.  Damn, he wish he didn't have pudding for brains and could lie his way out of this one.

"You belong in there," the blond cheerily stated.  She then pointed to the shower room.  Thomas looked at her, not sure what the hell this woman was up to.

"With us," piped in another girl.  Thomas looked around bewildered as the blond girl gently helped him up on his feet and lead him to the showers.  The other girls followed, smiling sweetly.

The room was unbelievably humid and steam filled the air.  He wanted to run but all he could do was follow the blond as she pulled him next to a showerhead.

"Look at you.  You're all sweaty.  You could use a cold shower".  There were a few chuckles in the room as the girls stood nearby and watched.

He looked down at this shirt.  It was completely drenched and he could make out the shape of his nipples through the fabric.  In fact, they seemed to be poking through rather pronouncedly.  He could swear his chest was looking kind of puffy.  Two bumps poked out of his torso, the shirt sticking to every inch of them.

The blond grabbed the corners of his shirt and, with a few tugs, pulled it off.  He could see his sweaty chest heaving and felt a slight heaviness from the curved slopes on the center of his torso.  A brunette stepped up behind him, making him even more nervous.  Her fingers wrapped around both sides of his waist.

Thomas felt a soft breast push against his side.  The blond was leaning on him, looking up at him.  He felt a sensation, like he was melting.  Thomas looked at his arms as they seemed thinner and his fingers looked smaller and more delicate. The hair on his skin almost appeared invisible now.  He could see his ribcage sticking out and his stomach tilted backwards at a small angle.  It was like an unseen force was pushing his pelvis back.

The blond slid her hand into his pants, peeled under his boxers, and softly pulled on the shaft of his cock.  As her hand slided back and forth over his penis, Thomas felt it begin to harden.  The brunette behind him slid down his pants to his knees.

The blond tugged harder and harder on his shaft. It grew in her hand as she pulled faster.  And faster.  Thomas looked at the blond through the long lashes of his eyes.   She stared at him, eye to eye, smiling.  He could see his penis between his two breasts, all three enlarging as he helplessly stood there.  He could feel the soft, tugging mounds of fat pulling on his chest and almost resisting each breath he made.  Soon, the nipple of one of his breasts pushed against the chest of the blond.  Both of their chests heaved heavily as they touched each other.

It was at that moment he could feel the cold tiles on the wall behind him.  His buttocks had grown to the point that they were touching the wall and were fattening into a nice, round ass.

He pulled back the hair from his face and looked down again through his breasts.  Between them, he could barely make out his penis, standing fully erect.  The blond no longer held the staff of his penis and backed away a few feet.  Another blond with long wild hair got down onto her knees and began licking the head of his penis.  He felt like he was about to erupt.  Is this what sex felt like?  He watched as the woman continued to lick his penis but the climax never came.  In fact, with each lick, the shaft of his penis seemed to be shorter and shorter.  Thomas watched between his cleavage as it pushed backwards towards him, smaller and smaller as the woman's tongue massaged it.  Soon, she was leaning forward  between his legs, until Thomas could sense nothing was hanging from his crotch.  He could almost swear the wild-haired blonds tongue was actually beginning to enter inside him.  A soft, high pitched whimper escaped from his puffy lips.   The woman stopped before she went any further, stood up, and walked up to the other girls, who were watching him this whole time.

Thomas looked up at the blond who hovered over him.  His long hair stuck to the sweat that covered his body.  He blushed as the girls stared at him and, instinctively, one of his small hands shot over his breasts to cover them while the other hand covered his crotch.

"You need a shower.  We can't have the girls all sweaty and gross in this sorority!" stated the blond.

He stepped out of his pants and shoes, which surprisingly slid off rather easily. He was now completely naked, like the rest of the women.  The blond reached behind him and turned the knob on one of the showers.  Cool water poured over Thomas and he shuddered at the feeling of the water seeping all over his soft skin.  He turned around slowly to face the showerhead, his back turned to the girls, who stared at him from behind.

He felt self-aware as they all watched him shower.  He could hear the blond behind him speak.

"Don't take too long.  We have to try some new clothes on you.  You can't go walking around campus naked".

The group of girls all laughed, their voices echoing over the sound of water rushing from the showerhead.



Greg Falkingham

I have to confess, I very much enjoy when you get a bit pornographic like this. I also enjoyed the story, though I originally imagined something else on first sight - the wonderful thing is that the image does give the viewer a lot to imagine and enjoy even without the script.

Earl Patrick Beegle

Amazing art and a wonderful story to accompany it!


Thanks! I must confess I've been curious as to what people think of the stories that sometimes accompany some of the illustrations. I often wonder if people cringe at them, skip over them, or enjoy them. I appreciate your comment.


This is the kind of stuff i joined for. Would love to see this as a sequence someday!


If Greek life were more like this I might have rushed when I was in college! ;)


The story is great! Well written, Zoe. ;)