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Life was good for Suzuki.  She had a high paying job as a secretary for a major law firm and her only dependent was a cat named Meowzebub.  Sure, the guys at the firm would give her the stare once every so often, tracing the curves of her body with their eyes, but she didn't mind.  She liked the attention.  Then, one day, one of the big shot lawyers of the firm invited Suzuki into his office and dropped his pants.  She was utterly disgusted and humiliated.

She spent the next few days calling in sick and thought about calling in the bastard or quitting.  But what she was hungry for was a little revenge.  She knew a witch who knew a wizard who was friends with a warlock who a master at alchemy.  It was pricey but she got him to concoct a special curse.

The next day she went to see her lawyer friend, who was surprised to see Suzuki back and so friendly.  It was minutes after her visit that he starting feeling strange.  His clothes felt tighter around the chest and at the seat of his pants.  In fact, two large bulges were pushing through his shirt, so tight that he could hardly breath.  He glanced at Suzuki, who cheerly pointed to a nearby mirror.  It was at this point that he realized he was her size.  He ran to the mirror and, to his horror, he was almost an exact duplicate of his secretary!   He ripped open his shirt and two large breasts bounced gently from his chest.  He stood at awe at the beautiful Asian woman in loose fitting clothes that stared right back at him.

Suzuki smiled.  The lawyer was now without a job or any trace of his former self, except his mind.  Furthermore, he would need a wardrobe but, fortunate for him, Suzuki had a bra, some panties, and dress skirts that would fit perfectly for him.  For a price.  It wasn't that long that Suzuki had her own secretary at home. She wouldn't have to clean her apartment, cook, or change the cat's kitty litter ever again.  Or at least for a few months anyway.  It would depend on how she was  feeling at the time.  Good secretaries don't come cheap.




This is wonderful! Once she gets her new secretary trained up she could even have her sub for her at work since they're twins. :D