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In the pipeline, there are a number of sequences that will be featured here: one about a cop shrinking, one about a man girlified by his girlfriend, the completion of "Narcissus 3", and the next shrinking sequence.

So, my question is: who do you want to see shrink next?  You all out there make a suggestion and I'll put it up to a poll.

As a side note, I've been a bit light on posting because I needed to finish an important project and I'm dealing with a sick cat.  Take care, you guys and gals.



I hope your cat feels better.


Shrinking librarian. Damn shame it didn't win last time


Quiet from MGS5


Cindy from Final Fantasy XV


I'm gonna say one of the options that didn't win the last pol and say Quiet from Metal Gear


I'd like too see a woman shrink her taller girlfriend! But that might be too cliche!


Quiet would be a really great SW to do! I think it would turn out to be amazing! :)


Thank you. She hasn't been eating and we're trying to get her to do so. We've been taking her to the vet. She's been otherwise normal, but we're seeing what we can do.

Joe Blue

Samus aran |D


Sasha from attack on titan after she eats a potatoe or mikasa.

Anne Muss

A dogsitter


A girl trying to study in a beanbag chair. Whatever is playing on the radio is causing her to shrink. As she realizes what's happening to her she tries to get out of the chair, but the malleable material causes her issues trying to get off of it and to the radio.

Rune Blacksin

A cousin getting shrunk by her younger cousin by messing with the younger cousins doll(s)