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I have now introduced a new tier on my Patreon: the $5 tier. In it, you get two one page comics exclusively each month! I have a bit of urgent news to report. I am currently helping take care of two elderly parents and we face a bit of a dire situation. I have been struggling financially to help them and, in a couple of months, I may not be able to support them or myself. If you can switch to the higher tier for support or even the $3 tier, it can work wonders. If I can raise my Patreon to $3000 to $4000 a month, I figure I will be able to help them and myself. You get two one page comics (like the one seen above) along with Cursed, the special request line, pinups and a number of new content! Thank you for your time!




What is the content for the $5 tier?