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Hello guys!

first of all, I apologize if I haven't been active much here lately, I've been very busy on  a lot of stuff especially IRL work with my dad. the work took so much time from me and I barely could handle more work, it is overwhelming the past couple of months.

I just recover from my illness too so my Doctor and my Physiotherapist told me to take a month break before I could be able to start working like usual again. with that being said, I don't really know if I can make these packed themed work every month, I might think about it in the future but for now unfortunately I will be discontinuing the pack themed reward until further notice, I am very sorry for this but if I force my self further my back and my arm will have an even worse impact because of it.

though! the current pack poll will still be eligible to vote because I am thinking on working on the pack reward for next month so I won't be overwhelmed with work. :)

also the other reason why I am discontinuing the pack theme reward is because there's a lot of people been asking for commissions so I might be able to focus on those for now because I could not manage to handle everything at once and some of the work took a chunk of my time and energy, unless I am free from my dad's work. also I am taking classes for arts too so I still want to improve my work so I could make amazing art not just for me to be proud of also everyone can enjoy too <3

so with that I will be taking a break from making a pack stuff for next month and focus on finishing my last couple of commission work and my other projects like painting and everything like that. but I will still be posting stuff in here exclusively from my doodles and paintings :)

again thank you for all your support <3


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