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I've been quite busy this month with IRL job work and everything since I was helping around my dad's work so I haven't had the time to work much lately, it was a temporary job because there was a shortage of people so I have to help out with tons of stuff from document to health checks.

also I just recovered from a 3 months long flu and it was excruciating. coughing non stop even when I'm just sitting down and draw something, to the point that I lost my voice due to how much I coughed everyday. though everything is improving and I'm doing alot better now,

a little notice for all the commissioners, I am very sorry for the long delay of work due to my illness so I have to go hiatus for a very long period of time, but thankfully I will be able to start the progress again soon!

Thank you so much for everyone that has been here supporting me. 




Wonderful work~ :3 Glad you are feeling better~ Just make sure you get fully better before devoting yourself! D: