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We are back with the second part of the big playtime update! In 1.11.1 we added a contribution system that asked you to enter the time it took you to beat and/or complete games. We’ve been collecting this data for a little more than 2 months now and have been working hard on adding new features that will display this data in helpful ways!


Your collection, the most important part of the site! Wouldn’t it be great if you were able to filter your collection on playtime so you can quickly find those shorter games when you just don’t have the time for another 70-hour RPG? Well, now you can!

You can choose whether it’s your goal to beat or complete a game and enter a min and/or max amount of hours to get the games in your collection that meet those requirements! You can also use the two new sorting options to sort your list on time to beat or complete to find the games in your collection that will take you the least (or most) amount of time to finish, and this time will be displayed on the list items when this sorting is active.

So.. I guess we don’t really have a good excuse anymore to not be beating games, huh?

Game Page

Game pages now include a new section just below the game info showing the time it takes to beat or complete the game. If you’ve played the game you’ll also see your hours played across game copies and if you’ve beaten or completed the game you’ll have the option to contribute your playtime from here.

Bundles will show both the playtime of the entire bundle as well as the playtime for each individual game inside the bundle. Bundles that only consist of a single game but are paired with DLC (eg. GOTY/Complete editions) will not show a bundle playtime but instead show the playtime of both the game and DLC.

Contributions are only displayed for the bundle itself, so you’ll have to visit the separate pages of the bundled games/DLC to contribute to those, or use the playtime contribution page to add playtime in bulk.


The addition to challenges is small, but useful! Each challenge will indicate how long it will take you to finish the challenge.

If you’ve already started the challenge and beaten one or more games, the playtime of those games will be added to your progress so you don’t just know how many games you have left, but also how far along you are with the total time investment!


Last one, lists! Here you will see how long it would take you to beat or complete every single game on the list, including how much you have left!* Completely useless but nevertheless fun information on most lists, but there’s lots of personal use-cases where it can come in handy!

For example, all of you that have created a list of games you aim to beat in 2024 will now be able to see how far along you really are! You may think you’re falling behind if you haven’t finished half the games yet, but this may just reveal that you’ve been playing the longer games first and the ones that are left aren’t nearly as long!

*The playtime that gets added to your progress is based on the playtime average used in the total combined playtime. It does not take personal playtime into account to properly reflect progress. Games you have beaten but not yet completed also get the beaten playtime added to the completed progress.

It probably goes without saying but I’ll mention it regardless: we do not have playtime for every single game. It’s only been two months and while you guys have been amazing with your contributions, there’s going to be gaps and potential inaccuracies when data sets for games are small.

We’ve taken care to mention the amount of games missing playtime in sections where playtime is combined (eg. lists and challenges) to make you aware of inaccuracies.

Time and community growth will improve our data set and your ability to find the information you need! So make sure to keep spreading the word of Infinite Backlog to help us grow and make the site better for everyone!

That sums up the highlights in today’s 1.11.3 update. As always, check out the changelog for a full list of changes.

For those of you who haven’t done so, please take some time to fill out our survey to help us collect valuable feedback and determine priorities. For those of you that have, we really appreciate it! ❤

Thanks again to all of you Myths, Legends and Slayers that keep us going, you are amazing!



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