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Most of you voted for me to share a little more personal information.
Well, I respect your wish. Let's go in order:
1. I lost my job (some of you knew that my main income was as an illustrator) Due to what is happening in my country, the project in which I took part was closed. Therefore, all my income at this moment consists entirely of your support here ... and I appreciate it more than ever.
2. It's getting more dangerous here every day. Many repressive measures are taken every week. And even just writing about it is already becoming risky. All those who want to somehow influence the situation contrary to the main political forces immediately come to the attention of special services.
3. I am currently working on immigration options. But this was difficult to do before, and now it is almost impossible. Even if we do not take into account the difficulties of obtaining a visa, the very fact of flying to a normal country is almost unrealistic, since many flights have been canceled, and those that remain have increased prices by 2-4 times.
4. I constantly encounter problems with paying for those resources with which I try to please you with my creativity (as an example, just yesterday I wanted to make 2 publications for you, but my subscription to the video editor has ended, and the bank card from which the payment was debited is now unavailable due to expanding the list of sanctions, although recently everything worked when I started switching to alternative sources of payment)
5. Most likely, I will have to go to a neighboring country just to open a new bank account, and this does not guarantee that it will not be blocked again. For example, otherwise I will not be able to pay for the use of the Vimeo service through which I am now uploading a video for you. (I attach a screenshot of the correspondence to the post)
6. In fact, I can extend the list of problems indefinitely ... However, I want to say in any case, what is happening to me now cannot be compared with what people who are in the war zone are forced to go through. It hurts me a lot to see all this. And I am not offended by anyone because of my hardships and I understand why this happens. I would be willing to give everything for peace to come and people to stop dying.  

P.S. As I promised, the video with my participation will be uploaded tomorrow or the day after tomorrow and access to it will be sent via private messages to those who have been subscribed since last month and have kept the subscription to the present moment. For the rest, a special category will be created with access to this content.



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