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First of all, I would like to thank all those who re-subscribed for this month for their trust.

I want to write my thoughts traditionally in two parts:  

- Part 1 about our community and my work for you 

- The 2nd part is my thoughts in general about what is happening.

1. As I informed you in the previous informational message, the work will continue and illustrations will be completed for those whose orders I did not manage to draw last month, and then I will start drawing all your orders for this month.

Also, for all re-subscribers, the exclusive video that I reported earlier will be available. (Approximately within 10 days I plan to implement)

IMPORTANT! Most likely for an indefinite period of time, videos with other girls can be released in an amount of less than 6 per month.

In connection with the madness that is happening in my country, it is very difficult to predict something in this regard. 

2. Next, I want to tell you my general opinion about what is happening and my life, how it all affected me.

I did not get in touch between the 4th and 6th because the situation was constantly changing every few hours and it was impossible to adjust plans to the changing situation.

If I break it down by the theses, I will say the following:

- In our country this week, a huge number of absolutely crazy laws have been issued that do not allow criticizing military actions, speaking at a rally with calls for peace ... EVERY RESIDENT NOW IS RISKING TO GO TO PRISON FOR A TERM OF 3 TO 15 years because of such misconduct . (more accurate information you can find in your media)

- On the other hand, the work of all the main software has been completely stopped, even computer games cannot be purchased officially. The supply of any computer products from leading manufacturers has been completely stopped. In fact, I can extend this list for ten pages ... you yourself can familiarize yourself with the list of goods that we no longer have. As a result, in terms of the level of life, we are somewhere on the same level as North Korea.

- also at the moment I still do not have the opportunity to fully withdraw your funds to my account, although there are alternative sources, but with such a chain of transactions, for example, from your 15 (39) dollars I get 9 (25) at best. But this does not change the fact that I will fulfill my obligations to you.

- I have understanding of the politics of the EU countries and the USA. Perhaps they had no choice in this case. However, in fact, our population for the most part is between a crazy government and complete material collapse due to the embargo.

- Perhaps someone will say that it is necessary to fight for freedom and I agree with this, but we do not have armed citizens in the same quantity as other free countries and you can find out from open sources that my country is on the first line in terms of the number of policemen and special services per capita. People cannot even reach the place of the rally and they are already being detained on the way. 

As a conclusion, I want to add that I understand everything perfectly and do not blame anyone, except for those who created this situation (you know who I mean, even writing directly has become dangerous, sorry). I WILL CONTINUE MY ACTIVITIES FOR YOU IN ANY CASE. BUT THIS WILL POSSIBLY HAPPEN WITH SOME INTERRUPTIONS.

P.S.  Better a shaky peace than a good war... 

And I apologize for such a huge amount of text, but in this situation, which breaks the world into several parts, it is very difficult to talk about what is happening on the other side briefly. 

With love, your Siberia Fetish



We are with you. We know this isn't a war fought in your name, nor anyone else's (except for totalitarian leaders, perhaps...). It is going to be a very difficult time for you (and any Russian), by the sounds of things, but we see you eye to eye, human to human. For us ordinary folk there is no distinction between the goodness of the average Ukrainian or Russian. We care about you. Stay safe. X


Also feel free to give us whatever updates you are allowed to provide, as it is certainly insightful for those of us outside Russia to know the challenges citizens are facing there right now


Unfortunately, I can’t write much directly, but I will try in the form of metaphors and hints ... the feeling that I now live in the Orwell universe 1984 (if you read)