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Foundry VTT finally got its Version 10 update. This goes hand in hand with a lot of (great) things.

1. Compatibility 

Future Tokens are created using FoundryVTT v10. Because of the new Actor Data Structure, these Tokens won't be compatible with worlds still using Foundry v9. Users who want to keep using v9 can only use the Tokens released up until this point (that is until the Necromancer) and should also not redownload any of the old Tokens, as we are gradually updating them, making them only compatible with v10 in the process. If you want to get the most out of Beneos Tokens, you can and should update to Foundry v10 now!

2. Bug fixes  

All of the heart- and occasionally gamebreaking bugs introduced with v9 are finally FIXED. For example:
- The animation starts at a random point and jumps back to the beginning, which looked frankly terrible - gone.
- Tokens duplicate randomly when moving them - gone.
- Tokens freeze or stutter when moving them or looking at them weirdly - gone.

One could say that with Foundry moving to v10 and leaving those bugs behind in the process, Beneos Tokens leaves a long and arduous Beta and is now finally ready to unfold its true potential.

Thank you so, so much for staying with us, trusting us, keeping your patience and enabling us with your support to even leave this involuntary Beta version.

As a thank you, all Patreons who are active at the point of relase will get our first (of many) Token Pack for free.

As hinted above, we are also going over our older Tokens, retightening the Foundry integrations, fixing some scaling issues and generally bringing everything up to the level we like our releases to be! 

Regarding the Token Pack - here's a glimpse at the Goblin Raiding Rabble!

This is the a Soulshaper Shaman, desperately trying to keep its ravenous horde of teeth-gnashing Goblins in line! As you can see in its expression, its going well!!

A Goblin Scout, ready to loot, keeping a close eye on possible targets!

And...oh god! What is this?! All we can say is that the Shaman has a lot to answer for! Let's leave it at that - this is not all though, there are more Goblins for you to play with!

This Token Pack will be released with a bunch of stats, lore, loot and tactics to get the most out of your animated Tokens and will presumably launch in November! It will be the first of many Token Packs and - as stated before - will be completely free for all active Patrons at the point of release.

Thanks again <3

3. Search function

Did you know that Beneos Tokens has a search function, where you can browse our existing releases and sort them via tags? If you want to surprise your players with a spooky graveyard encounter featuring a bunch of undead minions centered around a powerful leader, you can filter creatures using these keywords to get exactly what you need! For better access, this handy search function has been placed more prominently. Soon you'll be able to even look at relevant battle maps!

4. Afterword

FoundryVTT 10 does a lot of things right and finally enables us to push Beneos Tokens to the next level. This is a level where we'd have loved to be at half a year ago, but we don't have any influence on the Foundry development process and can only hope for bug fixes and problem solvings. This situation frankly sucked and we really are sorry that it took that long.

But on the upside there is a lot of stuff we had to hold back because of the frustrating v9 bugs and now where really pumped to go even harder on the releases - we're talking more tokens, more benefits for loyal patrons, more Dragons. 

Thank you for your continued support and your kind feedback! Always feel free to reach out to us using the comments or via our Discord!



Rob Leonard

Awesome, cheers! :)