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Update 4.3 has been officially released to backers! Confused about the update number? Check out THIS post explaining the change!

Release Notes

Click HERE for Update 4.3 release notes


Play Online (Alternative Host)

Download – The Company - Update 4.3 Complete - (Contains all game and image/data files)

For additional image pack downloads, as well as information regarding image pack support, see HERE.



You're standing in your closet, wading through various clothing items... Error: <>: error within widget contents (Error: <>: error within widget contents (Error: <>: error within contents (Error: <>: bad evaluation: State.variables.Hats is undefined)))


Error: cannot find a closing tag for macro <> Wait... it's Monday... Why am I here again? Error: child tag <> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <> It's currently Monday, Noon. You're standing in front of the lift on the office level of the company. Looks like everyone's taking a lunch break in the commons right now. <<<<<<< HEAD


Just downloaded it and confirmed it has been. Make sure you clicking the link from the above post and not the email


The download link on this post and the "play online" links also direct me to the unpatched version.


Error: <>: passage "Story-CH4-ChristmasDinner-undefined" does not exist still getting this error from the previous version save file. Do I need to start over again?


It is the patched version. You're looking for "Build: 4.0300001" at the bottom of the sidebar. I just realized, if you're loading a previous save your build number wont update, but the fixes are still in place.


Depending on where you saved in the last update it might have broken the Christmas event


Just saved before the broken text appears, I'll start over again then


Got this one trying to change clothes:Error: <>: error within widget contents (Error: <>: error within widget contents (Error: <>: error within contents (Error: <>: bad evaluation: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'none'))))


Yeah, there's seems to be an issue with the wardrobe. I'm working on getting a fix in but as it's not gamebreaking it may not appear until the public release


I take it back, this was actually an online-only issue, so I've gone ahead and uploaded a fixed build!


I am getting same error playing Local: Error: <>: error within widget contents (Error: <>: error within widget contents (Error: <>: error within contents (Error: <>: bad evaluation: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'none')))) . This is with both saved and new characters.


Can you confirm you're on build 4.0300001? I've downloaded the posted version of the game to a separate Windows computer and am not getting the error in Chrome. I've also confirmed it's working on iOS and Android


What does it take to activate Dom John, have MC full sub, Penny is whore am at Nov 8 and still nothing has happened.


Selected Tasha to come to Christmas Dinner and she didnt show up


Got this error Dec 24, and cant go on. Error: <>: passage "Story-CH4-ChristmasDinner-undefined" does not exist