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The Company - Dev Build -

  • Added Ava's "Nudist" serum event
    • Requires "Kiss" serum route and cannot be taken if on "Tight Household" route
    • Unlocks "Nude" outfit early for Ava and locks it for her
    • Unlocks new conversation and one-time random event involving Dakota
  • Gender identification during character creation should work a little more consistently
    • A trans MC is recognized by having male genitalia but not identifying as male
  • Trans TF now requires player to explicitly identify as trans
    • This is a change being tested to accommodate Male Sissy MC
  • All menu screens have been replaced with popups for your convenience
  • Tracking Menu has been marked as a dev-only feature
  • MCS-X now appears in inventory menu once unlocked
  • WorkEvent 27 (Penny Pegging with John) now works
  • Fixed more pathing issues in Ava's ISS
  • Fixed error messages during Ava's dose scene
  • Fixed error when using BESTBOI cheat

Coming Soon to Dev Build...

  • Continue implementing Ava's new serum events



FYI Sissy cheat does not work FYI Sissy cheat does not work