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Greetings everyone!

Today's devblog is really going to be more of a rapid-fire status update than anything else, so let's just jump right in!

The Discord AMA Happened

It sure did!

I want to thank everyone who came out and endured a whole hour of my rambling and Haseo's smarm. For those who missed it, you can find a recap of the questions and answers, and announcements, right HERE. All in all it was a great time, and I'm already looking forward to the next one. Of course, we can't talk about the AMA without taking the time to congratulate Adrianvoer and Mr. Carnage for being the winning entries in this year's writing submission contest!

On Track for March Update

Development for March's update is hot underway!

Coming in this month's update are expansions on Chanel's content, specifically in terms of converting her two office scenes to proper ISS events, as well as laying the groundwork for John's branching serum routes in general. This update will also introduce the beginning of John's "other" transformation route, lovingly being referred to as "Doll John". It's gonna be a ton of fun... maybe not for John, though... Otherwise, expect new images, new options, and hopefully a new appreciation for Chanel!

Additionally, this update will be addressing some issues reported from February's update including missing images and, more importantly, an issue players are having that is leading to Diana not returning to the office in November!

Unfortunately, it's been an unexpectedly busy week with everything going on behind the scenes, so I don't have a lot to share outside of "Everything's Fine!", and I haven't had time to write the lengthier looking ahead post that I hope to have out soon. Either way, next week's dev blog will have a bit more meat to it.

Until then, thank you all for the continuous feedback and support!



Great AMA and thanks for sharing the results with those of us who couldn't make it! While likely a ways away, finding a way to incorporate age changes into this game would be yet another "shut up and take (more of) my money!!!" moment. I hadn't even considered those transformations for this type of game, but getting to serum Dakota and Avo into swapping maturity? Setting up Penny as the office mom, or Diane as the fresh faced intern? There are so many amazing options! :D