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Greetings everybody!

Bet you're all excited to hear about the results from the recent writing contest, yeah? Oh man, watching the poll results was nuts, right up until the last second we had no idea who would come out on top! I'm tellin' ya, it was a sight to behold! Right, so, who won... Hm...

Ask Me Anything... Anything But That...

Early last year we held our first Discord AMA and it was a total blast! A bunch of the community came out for the event and it gave us all an opportunity to speak openly with each other about the development of The Company, as well as pretty much everything else! It was so much fun, in fact, that Haseo's been bugging me for months as to when we're gonna hold the next one. Well, I'm here to tell you that!

The Company AMA - 2020 Edition with be held on Sunday, March 8th, at 6:00pm EST. It will be during the event that Haseo and I will announce the two winners of the recent writing contest, along with anything else that may be announcement-worthy, such as, I dunno, details on upcoming content updates! Just like last time, we'll be opening the floor to live Q&A towards the end of the event, as well as reading pre-submitted questions a little earlier on.

For an extra bit of fun, all submitted questions will be going straight to Haseo, meaning the first time I'll be hearing any of them will be live on air! I hope everyone can participate in the event, either by showing up and listening in, or by getting your questions in via the form below. There will be plenty of reminders over the next two weeks!

Until then, make sure you join the Official Discord and get your question submitted if you have one!

  • Official Discord - Link
  • Question Submission - Link


Graeme Cracker

If you're hiding the winner to keep the scene a surprise, can you at least give us an idea of when you plan to implement it? (Like, for example, when you get around to revamping the serum paths for Ava/Dakota?)