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Greetings everyone!

It's definitely not Wednesday night and I totally didn't just remember I haven't written this week's devblog!

February Update - 3.2.2 Status

Lion's share of the content is done!

This update is adding not one, not two, not four, but THREE new ISS events between John and MC, as well as some new character introductions! That's not to say new characters are being introduced, but rather existing characters are being introduced to each other for the first time! At this point we're just adding some flavor content, squashing some bugs, and cleaning up the back end... which kind of makes it sound like I'm wiping the game's ass. Ah well.

All that's to say we're still on track for release next week to all backers, with a public release following later!

The Writing Contest

Votes are flooding in for your favorite pitches in the recent writing contest! It's still anyone's game, so make sure you head over to THIS POST and cast your vote if you haven't already. Winners will be announced during next month's Discord AMA, and more info for THAT will be coming in the very near future.

I'm definitely looking forward to working with the winning authors to get their pitches into the game as fully realized scenes!

Real Devblog When?

Real Devblog soon!

Things have been a little light in the info department, but expect a much more substantial devblog next month. I'll be focusing on what's coming down the pipe in the near future in terms of playable content, when we're getting into Chapter 4, and some of the planned updates for Ava and Dakota, and home life. We'll also be diving into the back-half of the way-too-big John Update Cycle which will be adding a much more agreeable (and submissive!) John... and also some ISS goodness with Chanel!

Sorry for the short and sweet this week, but it's nose to the grindstone time for this month's update! I hope you all have as much fun playing through the new content as I've had writing it, and until next time, thank you all for your continued feedback and support!