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 The Company - Dev Build -

  • If version still shows as, refresh until it updates
  • Fixed bathroom scene errors

The Company - Dev Build -

  • Added new John scene after finishing Diana's training
    • This is a timed scene that will occur on your way home from work
    • This scene will result in permanently locking your character into a specific gender
    • This scene will bring two characters face to face for the first time!
    • This scene can be tested from the debug menu, but should only be tested after finishing character creation
  • After completing all of Tasha's events for the Dom John route, they will occur less frequently
  • After completing all of Diana's events for the Dom John route, they will occur less frequently
  • Triggering John's Dom route now requires the following:
    • Player must complete John's bathroom scene, willingly or otherwise
    • Player must try to dose John while Submissive or lower
    • Previously, the player had to complete the bathroom scene in a very specific way, now it only requires it be completed at all
  • Fixed bug that potentially caused John's bathroom scene to crash horribly

Coming Soon to Dev Builds...

  • New ISS for John



I sent you the Bug report with the whole error message when trying to finish sucking John


New build works OK, but after being with John 3 times a day for 25 days, I see no difference with Penny, Tasha or John. Except John'e Relationship has dropped to "2" that is the only effect I can see.


So, is it possible for John to start in on corrupting Penny yet? Or has that been disabled?


That happens from the get-go, when you first get dosed by John.


So, do we not dose Penny then? *Confused* Because I chose submissive, tried to dose John and got it turned back on me. Then...nothing. Penny kept being there, etc.


It depends on how you dosed Penny. If you dosed her to be obedient only to you, or dosed her to the point where she starts acting dominantly, John cannot corrupt her, even if you submit to John and he turns the tables. This is by design. Sure fire way to trigger John's Dom Route is to not dose Penny at all.