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Greetings everyone!

I know it's been a little while, well, a long while since I've shown off any of the progress we've been making on the artwork front. The reason for this is simply that there's been a lot of back and forth, a lot of rapid fire changes, as we've been dialing in the main character!

Now, we're not entirely there yet, there's still some cleanup and tweaking to do, I think we may need to force the female MC to skip a few leg days for example, but we're just about where we want it.

The biggest difference between this MC design and the last, aside from the actual visual of course, is that we're moving to a "Two Frame" system. Like, a car frame, not the per-second kind. The MC now has a masculine and a feminine frame, and the benefit of this is that since we're no longer juggling a whole bunch of anatomy that needs to fit across the board, we can afford to have masculine characters look more masculine and feminine characters to look for feminine. Any needed androgyny will come naturally through other body features. Outfits, too, will all have a variation for masculine and feminine body types!

Well, let's just show off the nightmare fuel real quick and go from there...

Eesh, dolls, right? Anyway, before moving forward I just want to reiterate again that while we're closing in on a finalized design this is still a work in progress! Moving on...

Just as before, the MC Paper Doll can visually represent hair length, genitals and genital size, breasts size, expressions, makeup, and clothing. Expressions, makeup and outfits and being worked on next, but all the anatomy has been completed! Let's take a look at the Masculine Frame:

Above you can see the basic Male MC (Large Penis) on the far left, slowly becoming more feminine moving towards the right. The longer hair, breasts, and shrinking penis all convey femininity, but the base masculine frame allows for that androgyny even without the genitals.

Now the feminine frame:

The softer face, narrower shoulders, and slimmer upper body all allow for clear femininity in the MC, and the legs are something we're currently working on improving for the same effect. On the far left you have the basic Female MC with tiny breasts, and on the far right you have the Female Bimbo MC with big hair and enhanced breasts.

Of course, both frames are capable of supporting all assets, meaning one of the biggest changes coming out of this new system will be the ability to have a TS character with either a masculine or feminine body frame!

That's all I have to show this week, and I'm hoping to have the improved feminine assets on display next week. The next major endeavor will be MC outfits, at which point I'll be able to fully reveal the new wardrobe system!

Anyway, I apologize again for the huge gap between artwork previews but I think we're on track to get these out a little quicker now. I hope you all enjoyed today's preview and I'm looking forward to showing off even more in the near future!


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