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Greetings everyone, happy August!

Unlike the last post which I said will be short and to the point, this one will ACTUALLY be short and to the point... Probably...

Content Wrap-Up

So the big topic for today is simply where we're at with Update 6.1.3, and I'm more than happy to report that we're right on track! I'm loathe to give out release dates, so for now I'll just say that backers should expect to see the complete update drop "Mid August", with a public release about a week later. Currently, the focus is on tying up loose ends in terms of content updates, which I'd put at about 95% complete, cleaning up the UI a bit, adding in trait and preference control, and compiling the new image packs for Penny.

And testing. Lots and lots of testing.

In terms of what has been done, here's a quick breakdown of what's already implemented in Update 6.1.3!

  • Penny's dialogue updated in over 10 scenes
  • Player dialogue added to over 15 scenes
  • Over 9 content blocks (actions) added for Penny
  • Over 6 new/revised intimate scenes with Penny
  • UI update and revisions for Intro and Home Menu
  • Character preference functionality (Penny knows what she likes!)
  • Character trait functionality
  • New content block system
  • New interactive event system

As for what's left...

  • Update Penny's Date scene content
  • Extend UI refresh to a few more locations (for this update)
  • Add a couple more content blocks for Penny to round out actions
  • Add player preference selections
  • Add trait acquisition through achievements
  • Compile Penny's image packs for the update
  • Testing!

With all the content and coding in place, we're very much on the final stretch for this update!

Preference and Traits

The last thing I wanted to touch on today was how Preferences and Traits are going to implemented. For those needing a refresh, here's how these new features work:

Preferences - Track how much a character (MC and NPCs) enjoys a specific action ranging from Hate to Love. These stats are used when determining Arousal gains during interactive events, as well as determining NPC actions at various junctions. Preferences can change over time.

Traits - Effectively passive abilities that can be applied to the MC as well as NPCs. These generally apply to interactive events as well, though Traits can have other applications. Example might be having the "Excellent Kisser" trait doubles Arousal gain for partner when kissing.

Currently, these systems are only applied completely to the MC and Penny, and will be expanded through future updates to the rest of the cast. So, about actually playing with these new dials...

NPC preferences will be hidden, as the intention is that their dialogue and behavior will be enough to indicate how they feel about any given action. As for the player, you'll be treated to a new dream sequence courtesy of Saya wherein you'll have the choice to either answer a series of questions to determine your starting preferences, or opt to have your starting preferences randomized!

Traits will be tied to the long-ignored Achievement system, along with the addition of new achievements to go along with that! In fact, all achievements will have a reward starting with Update 6.1.3, ranging from money to materials to serums to, of course, Traits. A new menu will allow you to check your traits and preferences, along with descriptions as to what they do. One thing to bear in mind, though, is that it would be premature to say that all traits are beneficial, cough cough wink wink nudge nudge! While not entirely random, traits aren't optional, either, and as more are added the hope is that they'll shake up playthroughs in interesting and unexpected ways!

That's it for this week! I hope everyone's looking forward to the coming changes with Update 6.1.3 set to drop in the very near future. As the month goes on you should expect to start hearing about Update 6.2 as well, and new John-centric content on the horizon. As always, thank you all for your continued feedback and support.


Fallen Angel Creations

Sounds good I will "test" the release as soon as I get the e mail it is out this time I'll PM you so I can paste error messages if any away from public view


If you need an additional pre-release tester, I would be happy to help out.