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Update 6.1.210 has been officially released to backers!

Release Notes

Click HERE for Update 6.1.210 release notes


Play Online

This is a Backer-Exclusive build, as it is feature-incomplete. As such, there won't be an offline version available until the complete Update 6.1.3 releases first for Backers, then everyone else at a later time.


Fallen Angel Creations

Base Image Config Version Mismatch Penny Images Success! Diana Images Version Mismatch Tasha Images Not Found


It works on my side, but I believe you. I'm trying to nail down why it's behaving this way. In the mean time, just choose to play with images anyway, it'll work regardless of the message. Sorry about that!


only seems to be a play online option. which I get an error message when try to use


Will Penny's special strapon eventually get added as a regular sex option? Like in the lab or at her house? Right now I think it's only available in random events


It should unlock as an option once you've seen it, either through the random event or by asking Dom Penny to choose an action. I'll be giving it another look once I start working on preferences, but yes, interacting with Penny's special strapon is already available as an action option :D


(just moved into a new place, haven't set up my computer yet, limited to my phone so playing is a bit hard). Will the obey route lead to an option to turn her into little more than a slave? I mean, Obey all my commands is pretty powerful, but we don't actually have any commands we can give her, (completely ignoring the fact that any of the mc options after that should not technically need MCS to work)

Fallen Angel Creations

found a mistake and got error message in penny lab sex mistake when doing her ass u see doing her pussy pics only error showed up when neither reached orgasm Error: cannot find a closing tag for macro <> Error: child tag <> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <>


I was hoping for a offline build but anyways this looks good so far! I am eagerly waiting for the rest of the scenes to be transitioned to the new system. Thanks for the great work!


does testing scenes in the debug menu count as them actually happening? like if i test the intro to pennys strapon (scene 11) does that count as the mc seeing it? (for use in the regular sex scenes) or if i test penny/girl in bathroom scene, will i get penny/girl scene 2 as a random event next? /// for future notice is the identity of the individual that causes all the problems in chapter 2 considered a spoiler?

Fallen Angel Creations

the dress in MC's wardrobe generated this in the how it makes u feel text before u exit......... Error: <>: error within widget contents (Error: <>: error within contents (Error: <>: bad evaluation: dress is not defined)) <> (yw :) )

Fallen Angel Creations

good news and bad (good) dress works in wardrobe (bad) I got this error in side bar after exit wardrobe.............Error: <>: error within widget contents (Error: <>: error within widget contents (Error: <>: error within contents (Error: <>: bad evaluation: dress is not defined))) <>.

Fallen Angel Creations

My pleasure, I finished the game to the end last night the only thing left is the Penny lab sex it's missing anal pics and if you have vag. sex till cum u get finish button error. Everything else is great tiny thing also in the end text (text bars) your me shows but no logo or paper doll was playing trans female path

Fallen Angel Creations

don't know how to explain but the thing u read what the player is saying has the pic of charter in the end of game it has your name but no pic

Fallen Angel Creations

I meant to add this weeks ago if u were no panties or bra with the dress u get the undefined error have not used dress for a while so if u caught it cool