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Greetings everyone!

Today's development post will be a little on the shorter side compared to the last one. Doesn't mean I don't have some fun info to share, though!

Rounding out Penny

The main goal with Update 6.1.3 is to fill some of the content gaps from the 6.1 update. For the most part, this means modifying existing scenes to account for any changes that may or may not have been made to Penny's personality, as well as the addition of a couple new scenes. Right now, the update is looking to offer:

  • 1 Completely new random event
  • 23 event variations based on Penny's personality
    • These include some complete rewrites where Penny will react more "appropriately" when presented with chastity
  • 8 or so new flavor dialogue events
  • Complete image pack support and integration for Penny
    • Including new image packs to go along with that!

Additionally, I'm going to be adding a couple of QOL features, including the oft-requested ability to completely skip days that aren't story relevant! This feature will be disabled by default, to avoid possible spoilers, but can be toggled on during character creation if you're a returning player, or from the sidebar at any point beyond that.

Also expect the requisite debug menu touch-ups as well as the start to some minor UI refreshes.

As it is, I'm pushing to have Update 6.1.3 released around the first half of August, and of course I'll keep everyone updating on it's progress. The first dev build for 6.1.3 should already be available, and more should be dropping at a steadily increasing pace.

Update 6.2 - Where's Johnny?

After Update 6.1.3 releases, we'll be moving immediately into developing Update 6.2, aka, The John Update.

My intention is to break up the releases in this update cycle a little more than usual, which should result in smaller though more frequent updates. There will be points where this won't be possible, however that's my main goal.

The first of these updates will be a complete once-over on John's existing content, refining what does make sense and reworking what doesn't. There's still a good bit of confusion as to how many of John's events are unlocked, and while I still want to maintain the joy that is player-discovery, there are certainly some things that could be made a little more intuitive. Parallel to this, all of John's image calls will be getting retrofitted for image pack support.

From there, it's all new content! Specifically, this means John's new serum routes, including an expanded sub-John route that will include but not be limited to his transformation into Chanel, as well as expanding his dom-John route. As for which will be developed first... Perhaps that would be better left to the community to decide? Expect a poll to drop shortly after Update 6.1.2 releases!

I'll have more details to share concerning what all is coming in the 6.2 update once development officially begins. For now, look forward to one last dance with Penny this year as more information surrounding Update 6.1.3 is made available in the coming weeks.

Thank you all for your continued feedback and support, and look forward to a special anniversary announcement next month!



Ok, so I'm not sure, but somehow I'm under the impression that you at some point wrote about a "dom Chanel" route. Is this actually something you're working on, or have I lost my marbels?


Will we be able to interact with chanel more with the john patch? once she transforms you can either A) Have sex with her or B) *forgets* were we talking about sex? let' have sex YAY! (< to be read in as valley girl an accent as one can muster) also any possibility of turning the troublemakers in the Pit into guinea pigs? a la, giving them serums (without being careful) and commands without caring if they end up broken?


Can we expect your avatar bear to ever make a cameo to like just maybe drop a hint in easy mode in later chapters??


I'd be for that, maybe as a result of dom Penny doing some experimentation of her own to keep the main character in check.


I’m all for adding stuff like Dom-Chanel or Sissy-John.