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Hello everyone!

I had a couple of early art previews, plus an adjustment, to show off today. Actually, why don't we start with the adjustment. Check out Cat Collar 2.0 on Ava!

More in line with the player's choker option, and has much more of a collar-y look to it.

The next couple pieces are sketches showing Ava in the living room, sitting on the couch, as well as her lying in bed when you visit her in the bedroom. Each of these scenes will account for any changes in Ava's characters, particular the bed scene, which can go from her laying under the covers to her lifting the blankets and inviting the player to join her.

Expect to see more previews as colored and shaded versions, as well as variants, start to come in.



It may be rude to say, but while I like the current mc paperdoll and all art with it (other than some minor things like basic skirt color), the more I look at the Ava the more I feel like she isn't the same level of quality in terms of design. It's making me worry a bit that all the characters will end up that way. Again, I'm sorry for the rudeness, I'd send this as a personal message but I can't seem to find a way to do that on patreon.


First, that is a much better collar. Second, my only real criticism is that Ava and nearly all the characters are a bit on the thick side, but that is a preference and I don’t think it affects my appreciation of the game.


Not rude, no worries. The other characters are actually done and were previewed a good while ago and I think you'll find they're pretty good! It is probably time to re-preview the models, though...